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Subscribes a recipient to a group.
The recipient must exist in the system.
Email of the user.
Attention! According to URL encoding some characters like "+", "[", "]" are need to be encode otherwise the request will fails. For example:
name+surname@test.com should be encoded as name%2Bsurname@test.com
name[surname@test.com should be encoded as name%5Bsurname@test.com
name]surname@test.com should be encoded as name%5Dsurname@test.com
ID of the group
CONFIRMED_OPT_IN - New contacts receive a welcome message via email when they are added to the group. Despite the label used for this value, the contact does not need to confirm the subscription. A single opt-in subscription.``
DOUBLE_OPT_IN - New contacts receive an invitation to join the group via email. The contact must accept the invitation before they are added to the group. A double opt-in subscription.
OPT_IN - New contacts are added to the group without notification.
Parameter 'email' is not a valid email address. / User with email does not exist. / Group with id is archived.
Error response: {
"errorActor": "CLIENT",
"errorCode": "INVALID_REQUEST",
"message": "Not Found"