Sample Responses
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Sample Responses

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Article summary

After the control XML is processed, a controlResultMessage is sent to the specified email address.

The message will contain one of the following states:



Result sent to address defined ...


All processing steps finished without any error indication.

... in the success-report-address node.


Initial processing was successful, but one or more of the processing steps encountered errors.

... in the failure-report-address node.


Processing failed in an early stage and did not continue.

... in the failure-report-address node.

Authentication Error Messages




AXIS error, No service is available at this URL

Correct message in the browser for https://webdomain/eCMessageService

Use one of the tools to send a request

<faultstring>Authentication failed, no valid user or password.</faultstring>

Wrong user, password, or expired account.

Verify your credentials in the Mapp Engage login

<faultstring>Domain not found</faultstring>

Wrong system name

Verify your <realm>my_system_name</realm> from soap header

General Error Messages




Error parsing document.

Document not well-formed or not valid

Check if XML is valid. Check examples or WSDL for available tags

Error parsing document. Message: "no such member list"

Attachment invalid or missing

Please check <uri-reference> tag and attachment name

The group email domain '' is invalid for the customer

Domain not correct for the particular customer

In Mapp Engage create a new group and check the domain

Email '740f224' already exists.. Error ID 'TestGroup1'`

Group email already exists

Check <email> tag

<import-fatal-error>Content is not allowed in prolog.</import-fatal-error>

Problem with attachment format

Check <uri-reference> and <member-list> tags

No CDATA for HTML/TXT part OR Encoding for group or message content or recipient file is wrong.

use CDATA to avoid this.

The zip file cannot be found

File zipped with a directory structure

Pack zip file without directory (1 level compression)

Content not allowed in prolog

In "Process Control XML" "File is Zipped:" is  false

"File is Zipped:" set to true

Other problems

  • FTP URL not ending with /

  • The sendout date is before the campaign is fully loaded

  • The executor/owner of the task/group is deactivated (group/systemwide)

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