Updating a Contact's Information
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Updating a Contact's Information

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Article summary

If you would like to update a contact's information, you'll first have to make sure the contact exists. After this, you can either update the user or create a new one. In the example below, we'll update their first name. To do this you'll need to know the user's email.

If you'd like, you can test with our Postman Collection here: Postman collection


Before you begin, make sure you have valid authorization credentials. Please see this page for more information.


In order to search for a contact or update their information, you will need to decide which identifier you'd like to use:

Contact Identifier Type



The identifier is an email address.


The identifier is a mobile number.


The identifier is a mobile app alias.


The identifier is a value generated by an external system.


Contact (User) identifier

In our examples, we'll use email.

1. Use a POST request to check that the contact exists

'POST' \  'https://your-engage-domain.com/api/rest/contact/get' \
  "type": "EMAIL",
  "value": "j.mcexample@example.com"




From this request, you should receive a 200 response, with information about the contact. This includes information like their contactID.


If the profile  does not exist you will receive a 400 response. You can also double-check the email used in the call if you believe there is an existing user profile. 

2. Use a POST request to update the information

To use contact/update you will need to provide:

  • The contact identifier type in the URL and the body of the call.

  • The attribute to update.

  • The new value.

  • In this example, we update the contact's name. You could substitute in any stored attribute, such as their mobile phone number.

Please note that the identifier type is written differently in the body of the call and the request URL. In our example, we are using the email address, which is "EMAIL" in the URL, and "emailAddress" in the body of the call. Please see the contact/update entry in Swagger for a full list. 

POST \'https://your-engage-domain.com/api/rest/contact/update?identifierType=EMAIL&unifiedIdentifierName=j.mcexample%40example.com' \
"emailAddress": "j.mcexample@example.com",
{"name": "FirstName", "value": "John"},
{"name": "LastName", "value": "McExample"},
                <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->


You should receive a 204 response and no further information. This indicates the profile has been updated. If there was a problem, you might receive a 400 response.

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Implementation and Error Handling

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