1. Type
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    1. Type

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the Main Navigation​, click​ Data Management > Exports.

      ⇒ The ​Exports Overview​  window opens.

    2. Click the ​Create​ button.
      Wizard step ​1. Type​ opens.

    Step 1: Type​

    This step defines the type, name, and description of the export.

    Only export types for which you have the required permissions are shown for selection.




    Defines the export type.

    Visibility of export types depends on your permission settings. The following export types are possible:

    • Recipient Activity:​ Contains information about recipient activity (opens, clicks, bounces, conversions). 

    • Tracking Data for Landing Pages:​ Contains information about visits to landing pages. For information about these web pages, which are created via Engage, see ​Landing Pages​

    • Sendout Details for Coupons:​ Contains information about the use of coupons. The export can be limited to certain coupon lists, or include all coupon lists. 

    • ​Aggregated Link Clicks:​ Contains information about the clicks resulting from a message. 

    • Link Clicks:​  As of December 2015, this export type is no longer available for new customers. New and existing customers can export message link clicks with a Raw Data Export. For more information, see ​Clicks​.
      Contains information about the clicks resulting from a message. 

    • Related Data:​  Contains data that is stored in a related data set. For more information, see ​Related Data​.

    • Aggregated Recipient Activity:​ Contains aggregated information about recipient activity. 

    • ​Raw Data Export:​ Contains individually selected profile data (for example, addresses, gender, and preferences), recipient activity (clicks, opens and conversions), and background information for recipients, messages, groups, and the system. For more information, see ​Raw Data Export File​.

    • Simplified Data Export:​ Contains a reduced amount of data. Only the first instance of each selected event is exported (for example, the first click). By contrast, a Raw Data Export includes every instance of the selected event (for example, all clicks). For more information, see ​Simplified Data Export File​.

    • Recipient Context:​ As of December 2015, this export type is no longer available for new customers. New and existing customers can export recipient context data with a Raw Data Export. 
      Contains information about the environment (geographic and technical) in which the recipient performed an activity (open or click) on a message. 


    Defines the name of the export. The name is used to identify the export in the system. The maximum length is 200 characters.


    Defines a description of the export. This input field is optional. The maximum length is 2000 characters.


    Cancels the creation or edition of the export, after an additional confirmation request. All changes are lost.


    Opens the next step in the wizard.

    Related Topics

    Cloud Export File
    Raw Data Export File

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