Activate Tracking of Openings for a Group
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    Activate Tracking of Openings for a Group

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    Article summary


    To evaluate the number of times an HTML message was opened. For this purpose, a tracking pixel is inserted into the message. The settings for activating opening tracking are group specific.

    Background Information​

    Tracking of opens in a message is made possible by the insertion of a tracking pixel (see ​How Mapp Engage Measures Email Marketing Success​).


    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click Audience > Groups.
      ⇒ The ​Group overview​ window is opened.

    2. Click  next to the group.

    3. Select the ​Tracking​ tab.

    4. Activate the checkbox ​HTML opening tracking​.
      ⇒ When you send HTML messages with this group, a tracking pixel will now be inserted into the message.

    5. In the area ​tracking pixel is added​, select whether the HTML code for the tracking pixel is added to the beginning or the end of the message.
      ⇒ The tracking pixel is inserted during sendout. If you edit the message in the editor, you cannot determine the position of the tracking pixel.

    6. Click ​Save​.
      ⇒ The changes to the group settings are saved. During every sendout in this group, a tracking pixel is automatically added to the HTML message.
      Data about the number of opens is available in the ​Statistics​ area.

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