Add Coupons to a Message
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    Add Coupons to a Message

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    Article summary


    To add coupons to a message.

    In the ​Compose Message​ window, coupons are added to a message with a ​Mapp Engage Variable​.

    In the ​CMS​, coupons are either added to a message with a placeholder (see ​Add Coupons to a CMS message​) or the CMS template is configured to automatically insert the coupons as a paragraph.


    • The ​Coupon Manager​ is a billable feature that must be activated for your system. To activate the ​Coupon Manager​, contact your customer service representative.

    • The coupons have been created in a shop or CRM system as a TXT or CSV file.

    Background Information​

    Coupons are created in a shop or CRM system as a TXT or CSV file and uploaded to Engage (see ​Import Coupons Into a Coupon List​). The system that creates the coupon also regulates the valid use of the coupon during a purchase or order.

    The maximum length for each coupon code is 200 characters.

    Engage manages the distribution of coupons to the message recipients. Each coupon can only be sent one time to one recipient. Even if the coupon is inserted in an email several times via placeholders, only one coupon is included in the message. This means that the same coupon code is displayed in multiple locations.

    The way the coupon list is configured determines what Engage does when there is an insufficient number of coupons in the coupon list:


    In messages to test recipients and in message previews, the default display of the coupon is generated from the coupon list name: ​<Coupon-Listname>_previewCoupon​ This prevents depletion of actual coupons for testing purposes. The actual coupon code is first inserted into the message during sendout.

    It is also possible to define your own preview text when creating or editing a coupon list (see ​Create a New Coupon List​ and ​Edit a Coupon List​.

    To add a barcode coupon to a message with the Barcode Generator, see ​Add a Barcode to a Message​ and ​Send Coupon as a Barcode​.


    Add Coupons in the Compose Message window

    1. In the ​Compose Message​ window, create a new message in the message editor.
      The message can be of any type (email, SMS, etc.) or format (HTML or text).

    2. Click the ​Engage Variables​ button.
      ⇒ The ​Mapp Engage Variable​ slider opens.

    3. In the slider, select the ​Coupon​ category.
      ⇒ The coupon lists display. The number of coupons that are currently available for each list is appears in square brackets.

    4. Click the   symbol next to the coupon list which contains the desired coupons.
      ⇒ A red circle on the cursor indicates that the personalisation is loaded.

    5. Move the cursor to the place in the message where the coupon should be added.

    6. Click the right mouse button.
      ⇒ The ​INSERT​ button displays.

    7. Click the ​INSERT​ button.
      ⇒ The placeholder for the coupon list is inserted. If the placeholder for a coupon list is inserted multiple times in the same message, the same coupon code is displayed to the recipient in each location. If several different coupons need to be included in a message, the coupons must be inserted from multiple lists.

    8. The message can be sent right away or saved as a ​Prepared Message​ for later use with the coupons (for example,.as a birthday message or order confirmation).
      During sendout, the coupons are individually inserted for each recipient.

    Add Coupons to a CMS message

    1. Create a new message in the ​CMS​.
      The message can be of any type (email, SMS, etc.) or format (HTML or text).

    2. Add a placeholder to the message where the coupon code should be displayed.
      The placeholder has the following format:
      coupon: Indicates that the placeholder refers to a coupon list.
      couponname: Enter the name of the coupon list in your system.
      If the placeholder for a coupon list is inserted multiple times in the same message, the same coupon code is displayed to the recipient in each location. If several different coupons need to be included in a message, the coupons must be inserted from multiple lists.

    3. The message can be sent right away or saved as a ​Prepared Message​ for later use with the coupons (for example,.as a birthday message or order confirmation).
      ⇒ During sendout, the coupons are individually inserted for each recipient.

    When a coupon message is forwarded within the Engage system, a new coupon code is added to each of the messages.

    Usually, it is desirable to allow recipients to forward coupons. However, it is also possible to exclude the coupon code in forwarded messages (see ​Forward a Coupon Message​).

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