Add Email Content
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    Add Email Content

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    Article summary


    Navigation Path​

    Create​ New > ​Message


    In this window, you compose the content of your email message:

    • Create or upload the HTML and other message parts of an email.

    • Add personalized content to your message.

    • Add Mapp Engage Variables such as a read-online link, or an unsubscribe link.

    • Assign message and link categories that facilitate the organization and evaluation of messages in the system.

    • Add an attachment to the message.

    • Select the character encoding and image handling method Mapp Engage uses for the message.

    • Add email headers to the message.


    Content Tools​




    Adds content to the message that is selected specifically for the contact or target group. Personalized content makes your messages more relevant to your recipients. There are two types of personalizations.

    • Personalization placeholders - allow you to insert a value from a profile attribute of your contact into the message. For example, you can insert the first name of the contact. During sendout, Mapp Engage replaces the personalization placeholder with the personalized value.

    • Personalization rules - commands that create multiple versions of a message for different contacts or target groups. The rule tells Mapp Engage to add different content for different recipients. The rules follow InsertIf/InsertElse logic.

    To ensure that you never accidentally send an empty message to a contact, Mapp Engage skips messages that are empty after personalization during sendout.

    ​Mapp Engage Variables​

    Opens a tool that lets you select and insert Mapp Engage Variables. A Mapp Engage Variable is composed of one or more elements that are added to a message.

    While personalizations insert recipient-specific information into messages, Mapp Engage Variables insert content that is the same for all recipients of a message.

    Mapp Engage Variables are marked with <% %>. During sendout, Mapp Engage completely replaces the Mapp Engage Variable with the correct content.

    For more information, see Mapp Engage Variables (window)​.

    ​Upload Message​

    Opens the ​Upload Message Parts​ window. Here you can upload or import different types of content into your message:

    • An HTML email part.

    • A plain text version of your email.

    • A multi-part MIME email file (.eml)

    • An SMS part.

    • A push notification part.

    • A CMS message from another Mapp Engage system.

    For more information, see Upload Message Parts (window)​.

    ​Link Categories​

    Opens the ​Assign Link Categories​ window. Here you can manually assign link categories and check automatically assigned link categories.

    You can create link categories in the ​Administration​ | ​Categories​ area. For more information, see Link Categories​.

    Once you change the link assignments in the ​Assign Link Categories​ window, Mapp Engage does not reapply the automatic assignments.

    Email clients sometimes have problems with hyperlinks inside single quotation marks, create your hyperlinks with double quotation marks.

    Correct: <a href="">Click here</a>

    Incorrect: <a href='Click'>'>Click here</a>





    Opens step 1. ​Type​ of the message creation process. Here you can update the message information. However, once a message is created, you cannot change the engagement type. If you need a different engagement type, create another message.

    ​Save as Draft​

    Saves the message as a draft. You can return to a draft message. To access an overview of all draft messages on your system, click ​Messages​ | ​Draft​.


    Opens the​ Message Preview​ window. This window offers you several ways to preview and test your message before sendout.

    For more information, see Email Message Preview.

    ​Prepare Sendout​

    Opens step 3. ​Configuration​ of the message creation wizard. Here you can select the sendout group and the channel in which Mapp Engage sends the email message. You can also apply a selection, and prepare other sendout settings. Currently, your system configuration defines the channel that Mapp Engage uses for email sendout.

    Input Fields​



    ​Message Name​

    Shows the message name that is entered in step 1. ​Type​ of the message creation process. The message name identifies the message within your system and is not visible to the recipient.


    Adds one or more internal labels to the message element in Mapp Engage.

    • To enter multiple tags, enter a comma or space between terms. You can also use the [ Enter ] key.

    • To enter tags with more than one word, use quotation marks and press [ Enter ] . For example, "Summer Sale".

    • To remove a tag, click the ​x​ symbol inside the tag or use the [ Backspace ] key.

    ​Email Subject Line​

    Defines the subject line that appears in the email inbox of your contacts. Mapp Engage does not limit the number of characters you enter in this field. However, subject lines of 50 characters or less perform best. The subject line is a required field for email messages.

    You can add personalizations to the email subject line. For example, to add the first name to the subject line, use the following placeholder:


    Content Area​



    ​Email (HTML)​

    ​HTML Code:​ Displays message text with markup in HTML code. You can copy and paste information from an external tool into this window. For more information, see HTML Code View​.

    ​HTML Editor:​ Displays message text in a graphical HTML editor. For more information, see Graphical HTML Editor​.

    ​Email (Text)​

    Creates a plain text email or a plain text version of an HTML email. When you create an email with both the HTML and text version, Mapp Engage automatically creates a multi-part message. Mapp Engage sends both message parts together as a MIME message. Mapp Engage considers the read mode of the contact when deciding which part to send. If both parts are sent, the email client decides which version to display depending on the preferences of the contact. For more information, see Create a Multipart Email (MIME)​.

    Advanced Options​




    Attaches one or more files to the message. For example, a PDF file or an image.

    • ​Local File:​ Attaches a file from your local directory. Use the ​File Upload​ button to select a file.

    • ​Content Store:​ Attaches a file from the Mapp Engage content store. Use the ​Browse​ button to select a file.

    Mapp Engage does not limit the number or the size of the attachments, as long as the message remains below the maximum message size. The default maximum message size is 512 kB. Larger messages can have an impact on deliverability. Some email clients and spam filters classify large messages as spam. To increase the maximum message size for your system, contact your Account Manager.

    Mapp Engage displays an error if you try to upload a file that is larger than 200 KB. Emails with excessively large images or attachments can take a long time to send.

    Mapp Engage rejects file types that can potentially contain malicious code, such as a virus or worm. For example, you cannot upload an executable file (.exe), a link file (.lnk), or an mp3 file (.mp3). Mapp Engage forbids these file types for your security and protection, and that of your contacts. In addition, Mapp Engage scans the files that you upload with an antivirus scanner. If the antivirus scan detects a threat, an error message appears and you are not permitted to upload the file. If you see such an error message, contact your Account Manager for more information.

    ​Character Encoding​

    Defines the character encoding of the email message. If your message contains characters that are not in the selected character encoding, Mapp Engage displays a warning.

    UTF-8 is the most common character encoding for unicode characters (for more information see This character encoding supports all characters, including characters used in Middle Eastern and Asian languages.

    ISO 8859-15 sufficient for messages in Western European languages. For more information, see

    ​Image Handling​

    Defines how Mapp Engage handles images in the email.

    • ​Image Links are Unchanged:​ Mapp Engage does not change the image address in any way. When the email is downloaded in the inbox, the images are downloaded from the URL you define. Use this option when the image link contains additional information. For example, parameters for a tracking pixel.

    • ​Images are Inlined (Offline HTML):​ Images are inserted into the email as inline attachments in the email. This option increases the size of your email messages. Use this option when you want email recipients to see the images even when offline. When you send the email, Mapp Engage retrieves the images from the image address you define. Mapp Engage changes the addresses of the pictures in the email (HTML tags) to the inline images, not to the external address. As a result, the email client does need to retrieve the images from an external address to display the images in the inbox. If Mapp Engage cannot retrieve one or more images, the system asks you to upload the missing images. For more information, see Upload Missing Images (window)​. This method does not affect the tracking pixel in any way. The tracking pixel is still hosted on the Mapp Engage server.

    • ​Images are Hosted in Mapp Engage (Online HTML):​ Images are uploaded to the Mapp Engage servers. When the recipient opens the email, the images are downloaded from Mapp Engage. Flash movies (*.swf) in the HTML and Flash HTML fields in the message are handled as images. It is not possible to inline files with these formats. The flash movies are specified with a specially formatted <object> block. For more information, see Use a Content Store Element in an Email​.

    You can exclude individual images from the selected image handling method. The exclusion of large images can help keep the overall email size low. For more information, see Exclude Images from Image Hosting​.

    ​Message Category​

    Assigns a message category to the message. Categories help you organize and identify related objects in your Mapp Engage system. For example, use a message category to create a selection of contacts who open messages in a specific category. Or, use a message category in an automation to initiate a job after every sendout of a message in a certain category. For more information, see Message Categories​.

    ​Email Headers​

    Adds extra parameters that change the information in the email header. These settings override the header information that is stored in the sendout options of the group.

    The email header contains important information about the email:

    • Sender

    • Recipient

    • Creation Date

    • Subject

    • Sendout Date

    • And more

    Many email clients hide these details by default. Changes to the email header can affect the deliverability of your emails. For more information, see Change Email Header for One Sendout​.

    Related Topics​

    Mapp Engage Variables (window)​
    Create a Multipart Email (MIME)​
    Upload an Email or Email Part​

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