Add New Column (window)
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    Add New Column (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click Administration​ > ​Attributes​.

    2. Click ​Related Data​.

    3. In the ​Actions​ column, click   > ​Show Structure​ or the symbol.

    4. Click ​Add New Column​.


    The ​Add New Column​ window allows you to add new columns to the table of a related data set. Each row of a related data set is one data set. Each column is individual data that belongs to the data set.

    For example, when you import a product catalog, the data set (the row) consists of various columns. These columns can be the product ID, product description, the price, and the customer review of the product.


    You do not create the key column of your structure. The key column identifies the data set. A key column is available automatically and you can use this key without further configuration. In a CSV file, the key column is always the first column. In an XML file, the key column is identified with the tag <row key>.

    Related Topics​




    ​Column Name​

    Defines the name of the column. The name must correspond with the name of the column in the imported data file.

    Since a special language is used for these functions, the name of the related data set can contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens. Spaces or special characters generate an error.

    ​Make column unique for Related Data Set​

    If your system offers this option, you can check this box to define one column on a non-unique data set as "unique".

    For example, this value can be generated from the user email and orderID. The combination of the key value and the value in this column can occur only once in the data set. The uniqueness of this column is verified during import.

    ​Data Type​

    Determines the type of data that is stored in the column. Select the corresponding data type from the drop-down list.

    • ​String​: Creates a column that stores values in string format.

    • ​Number​: Creates a column that stores values in number format.

      Hint: If you do not need to use alphanumeric values for calculations, save the alphanumeric values as a string type. The string field is more flexible in the structure of the number that is saved.

      Example: You cannot use the number type if your values contain leading zeroes. The number type removes leading zeroes by default.

    • ​Date​: Creates a column that stores values in date format. The following date formats are possible:

      • dd.MM.yyyy

      • yyyy-MM-dd

      • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

      • ISO 8601 dates with milliseconds are supported. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (for example 2015-07-11T13:28:56Z)

      • Offset can be added to date formats. Indicate the offset from UTC by + hh:mm or - hh:mm (for example 2015-07-11 13:28:56 +02:00 )

    • ​Boolean​: Creates a column that stores values in boolean format. The default value can be set to none, No, or Yes.

    ​Default Value​

    Sets a value that is entered when no other value is imported into the column. You can leave this field empty or select (None) for Boolean data types.

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