Add New Data (window)
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    Add New Data (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​ Administration > ​Attributes​.

    2. Click ​Related Data​.

    3. In the ​Actions​ column, click   > ​Add New Data​.

    Add New Data window​

    In the ​Add New Data​ window, it is possible to import data into the ​Related Data Set​. Before data can be imported from a CSV file, a structure must be created for the related data set. With an XML file, both the structure (i.e. the columns of the table) and the data can be added during import. For more information, see Structure of XML and CSV files (see Structure of XML and CSV Files (Related Data)​).




    This input field identifies the local path where the file is stored.

    ​File Type​

    These options identify the import file format:

    • XML: The file to be uploaded is an XML file.

    • CSV: The file to be uploaded is a CSV file.

    ​Separator Character​

    This input field defines which character is used to separate entries in the CSV file. This character separates the data fields (columns) in the data records. Normally, a comma is used. However, depending on the software and user settings, other characters such as a semicolon, colon or tab can be used.

    ​Import Mode​

    This drop-down list defines how records are imported from the source file. The following options are available:

    • Add: This option saves new records from the import file to the data set without changing any existing records.

    • Replace: This option overwrites all of the existing records in the data set with the records from the import file.

    • Update: This option replaces existing records in the data set with the corresponding record from the import file. Only existing records that have a key that matches a record in the import file are replaced. Existing records in the data set which do not correspond to any records in the import file remain unchanged. This option does not add any new records to the data set.

    • Update and Add: This option replaces existing records in the data set with the corresponding record from the import file and adds new records to the data set. Records that were already saved in the data set and do not have a corresponding record in the import file remain unchanged. Records with new keys are added to the data set.

    ​Synchronization Mode​

    These options define how the import mode functions when one of the two update options are selected. The following options are available:

    • Overwrite existing rows completely: This option replaces all of the values (columns) in the row with the corresponding new record from the import file. As a result, any column values in the row which are not part of the import file are deleted.

    • Overwrite only columns from file: This option is only available for unique data sets. In this case, only the value (column) in the data set is replaced with the new record from the import file, other values in the row remain unchanged.

    ​Error Mode​

    This drop-down list defines how errors in the import file are handled.

    • Skip Value: If an error is encountered in the data set, only the value which contains the error (i.e. the column) is not imported. If there are other values (columns) in the data set that can be imported, they are imported.

    • Skip Row: If an error is encountered in the data set, the entire row which contains the error (i.e. one data set) is not imported.


    This drop-down list identifies the character encoding of the source file. The character encoding ensures that the imported text is displayed correctly. The symbol opens a pop-up window. In the window, it is possible to search all encoding options in the system.


    This button closes the ​Add New Data​ window without importing any data.


    This button starts the import of the selected file and opens the ​Related Data Overview​ window. A status message displays information about the import. When the import is finished, a confirmation email is sent.


    The update modes ​Update​ and ​Update and Add​ replace all existing records in the related data set with records in the import file that contain matching key column values. In non-unique data sets, this means that the data set can actually contain fewer records for a specific key value after import.

    For example, a data set called Purchase has five purchase records for a key-value Customer_ID. The import file only contains three records for the same key value. The update modes ​Update​ and ​Update and Add​ delete the original five records and leave only the three new records from the import file in the data set.

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