Address Data Export (window)
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    Address Data Export (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    To download data for a group message:

    1. In the main navigation, click Statistics​ > ​Group Messages​ > Email.

    2. In the ​Actions column, click the   symbol.

    3. Click ​Export Address Data.

    To download data for a single message:

    1. In the main navigation, click Statistics ​> Single Messages> Email.

    2. In the ​Actions column, click the   symbol.

    3. Click ​Export Address Data.

    Address Data Export​

    This export allows you to identify the contacts who performed a KPI. In other words, while the statistics show you how many contacts performed a KPI, this export shows you who performed that KPI. As a few examples, you can see exactly which addresses opened your message, which email addresses bounced, or which email addresses forwarded your message. You could even reimport these addresses into a new group for further targeted campaigns.

    The ​Address Data Export​ window guides you through the export in two steps:

    1. Select Data​

    The performance indicators to be included in the export are defined in Step 1. Select Data.

    For detailed definitions of the performance indicators, see KPIs - Group Messages and KPIs - Single Messages.



    ​Message Name​

    This entry shows the name of the message. The name is used for identification in Engage. Only the subject line is compulsory for sendout (see Select Message Channel Type​). If no name is entered, the subject appears as the name.

    ​Select All Key Performance Indicators​

    This entry selects all performance indicators for export.

    • Messages Sent: This entry exports all addresses to which the message was successfully sent by the Engage MTA.

    • Skipped: This entry exports all addresses which were sorted out by the system before sendout. An address can be skipped during sendout for several reasons. For example, if the address is on a blacklist or Robinson list, or if no address is stored in the user profile.

    • Bounces: This entry exports all addresses for which the message was rejected by the receiving MTA. The system differentiates between hard and soft bounces. Bounces do not include messages that go into the spam folder or that are answered through automatic replies (e.g. out of office messages).
      However, it occasionally happens that a receiving MTA incorrectly sends a bounce message back to the sending server. These "false alarm" bounce messages can be checked by evaluating user activities tracked by our system, e.g. an open or a click. In this case, the message is no longer considered a bounce and does not contribute to the total number of bounces in the message statistics.
      Bounces are either hard bounces or soft bounces, according to the eec.

      • Hard Bounces: Delivery failures due to permanent conditions such as a non-existent email address.

      • Soft Bounces: Delivery failures due to a temporary condition such as a full inbox.

    • Accepted: This entry exports all addresses which were accepted by the Message Transfer Agent (MTA) of the receiving email provider. It does not distinguish whether messages were delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    • Spam Complaints: The entry exports all addresses that marked the message as spam in their email account.

    • Confirmed Openers: This entry exports all addresses of recipients that have opened the message. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts one time. The address of the recipient is therefore listed only once in the export under Confirmed Openers. In addition to using a tracking pixel to identify an opener, all other recipient activity within a message (e.g. clicking on a link) counts as a confirmed opener.

    • Clickers: This entry exports all addresses of recipients that clicked on any of the links within the message. If a recipient clicks more than one link in the message, this only counts one time. The address of the recipient is therefore listed only once in the export under Clickers.

    • Forwarders: This entry exports all addresses for recipients that passed the message on using the forwarding function.

    • Unsubscribes: This item exports all addresses for recipients that unsubscribed from the message delivery using the unsubscribe link contained in the email.

    • Conversions (Unique): The entry exports all addresses that have triggered a conversion.

    ​Records in Export​

    This entry displays the total number of records selected for export. The entry adds all records that are available for each performance indicator selected. Each record represents a row in the export file.


    This button cancels the operation after an additional confirmation request. All changes are lost.


    This button continues to step ​2. Configure Export. Step 2 is only available if at least one performance indicator was selected for export.

    2. Configure Export​

    In step ​2. Configure Export, the export is defined. File format and destination are selected and the export is performed.



    ​Message Name​

    This entry shows the name of the message. The name is used for identification in Engage. Only the subject line is compulsory for sendout (see Select Message Channel Type​). If no name is entered, the subject appears as the name.

    ​Export Configuration​

    This entry defines the settings for the export of performance indicators.

    ​Data Transfer​

    This entry defines how the export file is provided.

    • Engage Export: The Export file is made available in Engage.

    • Server Export: The export file is exported to a server.

      • Format: This input field defines the output format of the export file.

      • XML: This option exports the selected performance indicators as an XML file.

      • CSV: This option exports the selected performance indicators as a CSV file.

      • Separator: This input field defines the separator between entries in the CSV file (e.g. comma or semicolon).

      • Delimiter: This input field defines the delimiter that is used in the CSV file. The delimiter is used to define fields where special characters are used. The field delimiter is usually straight quotation marks. This can also be left empty. For more information see

      • Line Separator: This defines the type of line break in the CSV file. A line break (also called newline or end-of-line (EOL )marker)is a special character signifying the end of a line of text.

      • Unix: Unix and Unix-like systems (e.g. Mac OS X) use the line break character LF. For more information, see

      • Windows: Windows systems use the line break character CR+LF. For more information, see

    • Encoding: This drop-down list defines the character encoding of the exported file. The input of a character set is mandatory. Engage supports a variety of character sets. The magnifying glass opens the Select window, in which all the available character encodings are listed. For more information, see

    • Export file even when empty: The selection defines whether a file is exported even when no data is available for export.

      • No: An export file is not generated when no data is available for export.

      • Yes: An export file is generated even when no data is available for export. The export file contains only the column names but no data.

    • Compression: This entry defines whether and how the export file is compressed.

      • GZIP: This option compresses the export file as a GZIP file.

      • ZIP: This option compresses the export file as a ZIP file.

      • No Compression: This option exports the file without compression.

    • File Name: This input field defines the name of the export file.

    • Save Location: This entry defines the path to the location of the export file.

      • URL: This input field defines the server address where the file is saved. The format of the server address is displayed according to the protocol selected on the user interface.

      • FTP: This entry exports the file to an FTP server. The URL in the input field must follow the format ​ftp://username:password@servername/path​.

      • SFTP: This entry exports the file to an SFTP server. The URL in the input field must follow the format ​sftp://username:password@servername/path.

      • SCP: This entry exports the file to an SCP server. The URL in the input field must follow the format ​scp://username:password@servername/path.

      • FTPS: This entry exports the file to an FTPS server. The URL in the input field must follow the format ​ftps://username:password@servername/path.

      • Test Connection: This button tests whether the save location has been entered in the correct format and export to the server is possible. When the button is clicked, Engage uses the URL to establish a connection to the target server. No folders or files are created.

    Tab.: The URL test can result in the following:





    Engage was able to successfully connect to the server.

    No action is required.

    Syntax Error

    The URL of the server does not match the required syntax.



    Check the syntax of the specified server path and correct the error.

    Unsupported Protocol

    The protocol is not supported



    The protocol selected for the server path is incorrect. Select the appropriate protocol from the ​Save Location drop-down list. Check the connection and try again.

    Unknown Host

    The URL of the server can not be interpreted.



    The host of the server is not recognized by Engage. Check the input.

    Connection Error

    The time limit for establishing the connection has been exceeded.

    Retest the connection.

    All Other Errors

    The connection may have failed for various reasons.

    Check the username/password combination users (applies to the use of wildcards to transfer security).




    This button cancels the operation after an additional confirmation request. All changes are lost.


    This button jumps back to step ​1. Select Data.


    This button generates the export of the selected data. A system message informs you that the export file is on the server for download.

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