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AMP Message Statistics
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There are two ways you can access AMP Email statistics.
From the AMP Email Message Overview:
In the Actions column click and then Stats for all sent messages, or Message Statistics for the specific message that is opened.From the main menu:
Select Statistics > Group Messages > AMP Email. The AMP Email Statistic Overview table opens. Click the specific message to open Message Statistics.
Statistics overview
Overview of all sent AMP Email Messages, and an Export option.
Column | Description |
Message Name | The message name is unique per message. Clicking it opens statistics for this particular message. |
Status | Contains status for sent messages only. |
Send date | Date and time of message Sendout. |
Segment Name | Name of the targeted user segment. |
Subject | The subject line of the message. |
Accepted & Bounced | A number of total Accepted (Delivered) and total Bounced messages from the entire Sendout volume. |
Open rate & CTR | % of opened vs. accepted messages and % of clicked vs. opened messages. |
Actions | List of following actions:
Message statistics
Overview of the particular message Sendout performance containing Message Information, Delivery Performance and Recipient Activity sections.
Message information
Provides details such as email subject, segment name and size, and Sendout time.
Delivery performance
Statistic | Definition |
Accepted Rate | Represents the percentage of delivered vs. sent messages. |
Messages Sent | Total number of sent messages. |
Accepted | Total number of delivered messages. |
Bounced | Total number of bounced (not delivered) messages. |
Skipped | Total number of skipped messages. |
Recipient Activity
Statistic | Definition |
Confirmed Open Rate | Shows the number of unique confirmed openers divided by the total number of accepted messages. Confirmed openers include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked. It is possible that some recipients opened the message with images suppressed and did not click any link, in which case the open will not be counted.
Confirmed Openers | Shows the number of recipients who opened a message. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts as one. |
Confirmed Opens | Shows the total number of times a message was opened. This represents the total number of times a message is displayed, whether fully opened or within the preview pane). Confirmed opens include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked. It is possible that some recipients opened the message with images suppressed and did not click any link; in these cases, the open cannot be counted. |
Clickers | Display the number of recipients who have clicked on any link in the message. If a recipient clicks more than one link in the message, this only counts as one. |
CTO | CTO stands for Click-To-Open rate. It represents number of clickers (recipients who click on any link in the message) divided by the number of confirmed openers for the message.
CTR | CTR stands for Click Through Rate. It represents the number of recipients who click on a link in a message divided by the number of accepted messages.
Total Clicks | Shows the total number of clicks on any link in the message. |