Handling Characters and Data Types in Android SDK
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    Handling Characters and Data Types in Android SDK

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    Article summary

    Mapp Intelligence supports the UTF-8 standard for character encoding.

    • Ensure text and figure parameters follow the character and size limitations to avoid request issues.

    • Be aware of the filtered characters when processing user inputs to prevent unexpected data loss.

    Keep the following rules and limits in mind when working with parameters in the Android SDK.

    Request Size and Case Sensitivity

    • A request must not exceed 7KB in size.

    • All input is case-sensitive.

    Data Types for Parameters

    Text Parameters

    • Maximum of 255 characters per parameter.

    • If a parameter captures multiple values, each individual value can still contain up to 255 characters, and each scalar value is stored as one parameter.

    Figure Parameters

    • Supports the format decimal(12,2), allowing up to 10 digits with 2 decimal places.

    • The valid range is from -9999999999.99 to 9999999999.99.

    Filtered Characters

    Certain characters are automatically filtered out during tracking for Android SDK requests:

    • Characters in the range 0x00-0x1f.

    • Single quote ('), double quote ("), angle brackets (<>), and backslash (\).

    • 0xA0 is replaced with a space.

    • Multiple spaces are condensed into a single space.

    • Leading and trailing spaces are automatically removed.

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