Approvers List (window)
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    Approvers List (window)

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    Article summary

    In this window, you create and edit a list of system users who can review and approve messages for specific groups on your system.


    To create or edit an approvers list, your role in the system requires the following permissions:

    • ​System Administration: View All System Users 2001​, or ​ System Administration: View and Edit All System Users 2000​

    • ​Approvers List: Create 2310​

    • ​Approvers List: Edit 2311​

    • ​Approvers List: Delete 2312​

    To use an approvers list, your system role requires the following permission:

    • ​Approvers List: Use 2309​

    Navigation Path

    1. In the ​main navigation​, click ​User Management​ > ​System Users> ​Approvers Lists.

    2. Click ​Create​. The ​Approvers List​ window opens.





    Defines the name of the approver's list.


    Defines the system users who are authorized to review and approve messages for a selected group.





    Opens the ​Approvers List​ search window. Here you can search for and select approvers to add to the approver's list.


    Deletes the selected system users from the approver's list. Click a system user to select. Shift+click to select multiple users. Selected system users are highlighted in the list.

    ​Remove All​

    Deletes all system users from the selected approvers list simultaneously.


    Closes the ​Approvers List​ window, after a confirmation request. All changes are lost.


    Saves your changes and closes the ​Approvers List​ window.

    Related Topics​

    Moderate Messages​
    Create a Message Moderation Process​
    Create an Approvers List​

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