Assign Group Role (window)
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    Assign Group Role (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​main navigation​, click User Management​ > ​System Users​.

    2. In the ​Actions​ column of the desired system user, click   > ​ Group Roles .

    3. Click ​Add​.


    In this window, you assign group roles to a system user. A group role is only valid in the context of a group. The group role determines what functions and information the system users can access.

    You can only assign group roles to system users who have a contact profile.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Assign a group role for a system user​




    ​Group Role​

    Defines the group role that you want to assign.

    • ​Manager:​ The group manager role has fewer permissions than the group owner. For example, the manager cannot delete the group or change the group permissions.

    • Custom Group Role:​ Custom roles can be freely defined according to your needs. Up to eight custom roles can be set. By default, custom roles have limited permissions and cannot (for example) send messages. However, it is possible to assign additional permissions to these roles.

    • Message Statistics Viewer:​ The message statistics viewer has limited permissions. It includes permissions to view and download the message statistics of the group.


    Defines how you choose groups. The setting adapts the interface to let you add groups or group categories.

    • Specific Choice:​ Displays the ​Specific Groups​ area where you manage groups to assign the group role.

    • Category:​ Displays the ​Group Categories​ area where you manage group categories. These categories identify groups to which you assign the group role.

    • ​All:​ Removes additional areas. Mapp Engage tries to assign the group role for all existing groups. If the system user is the ​Owner​ of the group, then the role remains unchanged.

    ​Specific Groups​

    Adds groups in which you want to assign a group role. The area displays the group name and the member count. To assign a group role, select at least one group.

    Mapp Engage only assigns the group role if the system user has a contact profile.

    To display the field, select ​Specific Choice​ in the ​Groups​ area.

    • ​Add:​ Opens the ​Group Search​ window. Here you search for groups and select them.

    • ​Remove:​ Removes single groups that you highlight in the ​Choice​ area.

    • Remove All:​ Removes all groups from the ​Choice​ area.

    ​ Group Categories​

    Adds group categories. You assign the group role in all groups that match the category. To assign a group role, select at least one group category.

    Mapp Engage only assigns the group role if the system user has a contact profile.

    • ​Available:​ Displays all group categories that you can select.

    • ​Selected:​ Displays all group categories to which you want to assign the role for the system user.

    To move categories between the ​Available​ and the ​Selected​ areas, select the group category and use the arrows.

    Related Topics

    Group Roles​
    Change General Group Permissions​

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