Automate Regular Export Delivery
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    Automate Regular Export Delivery

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    Article summary


    Automate regular delivery of exports - for example, on a daily or monthly basis. You define the frequency you need.


    • Export data for use in an external system (for example, in a CRM or data warehouse).

    • Generate reports and statistics at the same time every week, with the same settings.

    • Ensure the consistency and comparability of reports and statistics over time.

    Background Information​

    You can set up a time-based automation to automatically generate different types of exports. Depending on the export type, the file is uploaded via FTP server or generated for download.

    Mapp Engage offers several types of data for export. The exports vary in the extent to which the data has been processed.

    You can export the following data with an automation.

    Export Name


    Data Type



    Data Delivery


    Cloud Exports

    Administration​ > ​Exports​

    Processed data or raw data (depending on the type of export)

    Generate Export​

    Mapp has designed several types of Cloud Exports that fit certain specific customer use cases. Each type of export contains different data. For example, the Detailed Recipient Activity export contains raw data about message opens and clicks.

    Cloud Exports​.

    File type: XML, CSV or customised.

    Delivery to a server via FTP (active or passive), SFTP, FTPS.

    Further analysis in an external tool (CRM, data warehouse).

    Raw Data Exports

    Administration​ > ​Exports​

    Raw data

    Generate Export​

    Raw Data Exports are freely definable exports of cloud data.

    Raw Data Exports.

    File type: XML, CSV or customised.

    Delivery to a server via FTP (active or passive), SFTP, FTPS.

    Further analysis in an external tool (CRM, data warehouse).

    Simplified Data Exports

    Administration​ > ​Exports​

    Raw data

    Generate Export​

    The Simplified Data Export exports raw data.

    The Simplified Data Export only exports the first instance of each selected event (for example, the first click).

    Simplified Data Export File​

    File type: XML, CSV or customised.

    Delivery to a server via FTP (active or passive), SFTP, FTPS.

    Further analysis in an external tool (CRM, data warehouse).


    Administration​ > ​Exports​


    Generate Report for Download​

    This job generates current data for an existing report.

    Available report types include message, group, user, and member reports.

    File type: Excel.

    A link to download the file is sent via email.

    Immediately view and share information about your system, contacts and groups - with no need for further analysis with an external tool.

    Data Export (Automation only)

    You select an export type when you create the automation.


    Export Data to Server​

    This automation provides numerous export types:

    • Member data (group-based).

    • Member data (message-based).

    • Tracking data exports.

    • Blacklisted members.

    • Domain stats.

    • Conversion tracking.

    File type: XML or CSV.

    Delivery to a server via FTP (active or passive), SFTP, FTPS.

    How you use this data depends on the export type.

    XML Group Report (Automation only)

    You define the data for export when you create the automation.


    XML Group Report​

    Contains the group name, country and language code and optional response, subscription and unsubscribe details.

    File type: XML

    Delivery to a server via FTP (active or passive), SFTP, FTPS.

    You can also send the report to an email address.

    The report generated by this job is commonly used to synchronize contact lists in an external application.

    You can also automate exports in response to a defined event, such as a group sendout. For more information, see Automate Message Statistics Exports​.


    You can add as many automations as you want to the same whiteboard. You can manage all of your scheduled export automations on one whiteboard. Simply repeat the steps for every export you want to generate on a regular basis.

    1. In the ​Automation​ area, create a new whiteboard.

    2. Drag a ​Time​ module and a ​Time-based job​ module onto the whiteboard.

    3. Drag and drop between the   symbols to connect the modules.

    4. Define the module settings as follows:

      Time Module




      Enter a name for the module.


      ​Recurring Date​


      Define the desired schedule - for example, weekly or monthly. You can define the frequency you need.


      Day(s), Week(s), or Month(s)



      Time-based Job Module




      Enter a name for the module.


      Select one of the following:

      Generate Export​

      Generate Report for Download​

      Export Data to Server​

      Generate XML Group Report​

      Click on the link to learn more about the necessary settings.

    5. Click ​Next​.
      ⇒ The ​Whiteboard​ wizard opens to step two.

    6. Define the desired time frame and notifications.

    7. Click ​Activate​ to immediately activate the whiteboard. Only active whiteboards are executed by the system.
      ⇒ The whiteboard is saved and activated. The automation has the status ​Running​ if the start date is immediate and ​Scheduled​ if the start date is in the future.

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