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    Article summary

    Mapp Intelligence track ID

    Mandatory. Track IDs are used to assign requests to an account. You find the track ID under Mapp Q3 > Configuration > System Configuration > Data Collection.

    If the same information is to be recorded for multiple accounts, you can enter the corresponding track IDs of the accounts comma-separated.

    Mapp Intelligence track domain

    Mandatory. Specify your Mapp Intelligence track domain. This information is provided by your account manager.


    Mandatory. Specify the domains, which should not be reported as a referrer in Mapp Intelligence.

    In most cases, the domain of the website being tracked is specified here.

    You can enter multiple domains, separated by a semicolon.

    It is also possible to use regular expressions to filter multiple domains. If a regular expression is used, "REGEXP:" must be placed at the beginning of this string.

    Always enter domains without "http://" and "https://".

    Cookie settings

    Mandatory. Select the cookies you want to use from the dropdown list:

    • first-party cookies: Your website sets the cookies; default

    • third-party cookies: Mapp Intelligence sets the cookies.

    Use first-party cookies for best data quality. Use third-party cookies only if you want to be able to identify users across domains without the use of a login or customer ID.

    Please also refer to chapter Cookies of this document for detailed information.

    Position of "sendinfo"-call

    Mandatory. Provided that you have activated the option Execute "sendinfo" automatically, you can specify where the call should be executed:

    • Execute in <head>

    • Execute before </body>

    Tracking data are sent using the function "sendinfo" of the Mapp Intelligence-script.

    We recommend selecting "Execute before </body>" if it can be ensured that all data to be tracked are available when the "sendinfo"-function is activated. Usually, this precondition is fulfilled for traditional websites.

    Optional Settings

    Execute "sendinfo" automatically

    If activated, the tracking request will be executed as soon as the configured position is reached (see "Position of sendinfo-call" above).

    You need to activate either this option or the "If possible trigger plugins in 'head'"-option to be able to send page requests automatically.

    Execute plugins in the "head"

    If activated, all plugins, which initialize or react to configurations are executed in "head". This is, for example, required by the Marketing Automation-plugin to load campaigns as early as possible.

    As a prerequisite of this function, all information (page name, products, prices, shopping cart, ...) must be available in "head".

    You need to activate either this option or Execute "sendInfo" automatically to be able to send page requests automatically.

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