Best Practice: Shopping Cart as AJAX-Element
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    Best Practice: Shopping Cart as AJAX-Element

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    Shopware 5 is no longer supported. Please use Shopware 6 instead.

    Article summary

    If you use the Shopware plugin and the shopping cart is activated as an AJAX-element instead of a new page, the product status "add" does not exist.

    To make tracking possible, you can follow the steps described here.

    1. Log in into Tag Integration.

    2. Create a new rule. To do this, click on Rules in the navigation area.

    3. Click New rule.

    4. Make the following settings:




      Enter the name for the new rule.


      From the dropdown-menu, select:

      • Event

      Event type

      From the dropdown-menu, select:

      • Click


      From the dropdown-menu, select:

      • Class

      Enter "equals buybox-button" in the text field.

      Make sure that your Shopware theme does not change the class name of the [Buy] button. If the class name has been changed, you will usually need to change it accordingly in the rule configuration.

    5. Click Create. The defined new rule is created and appears in the list of all rules.

    6. Now set up the Shopware plugin. Click in the navigation on Custom Plugins > New plugin.

    7. Copy the following JavaScript code into the content text box:

      var webtrekkAddListener = window.setInterval(function() {
      	if (typeof window._ti.productStatus === 'string' && window._ti.productStatus === 'add') {
      		window.wts.push(['send', 'pageupdate']);
      }, 100);

    8. Click Create. The plugin is created and appears in the list of your custom plugins.

    9. To add the Shopware plugin to the required container, select the corresponding entry in the container overview.

    10. Click Add Plugin.

    11. Select the previously created Shopware plugin by clicking on the corresponding button.

    12. Under Assign rules add the previously created rule.

    13. Click Add Plugin. The Shopware plugin will be added to the container.

    14. Finally, click Publish. The container will be updated together with the newly added Shopware plugin.

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