Blacklist Import Files
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    Blacklist Import Files

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    Article summary

    Addresses and domains can be added to a blacklist manually, or imported as clear text, an XML file, or an MD5 hashed file.

    For information on how to import files, see ​Add Entries to System Blacklist​ and ​Add Entries to Group Blacklist​.

    Text Files​

    The text file can only contain domains, email addresses, and mobile phone numbers.

    .There are two possible formats:

    • Each entry is separated by a,, 212121212, 00000100- or -

    • Each entry is listed on a separate line.Example:somebody@test.comtest.com21212121200000100

    XML Files​

    All addresses that are imported into a blacklist are contained within the blacklist element. Individual addresses are contained within single email, domain, and phone number elements.



    MD5 Hashed Files​

    When an entry is added to the blacklist in hashed format, the system expects that entry to be of email type only. In other words, any entry that is not a hashed email address will not be imported.

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