Cancel a Scheduled Sendout
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    Cancel a Scheduled Sendout

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    Article summary


    To cancel a scheduled sendout.


    A message has been created and scheduled for sendout at a future date and time.

    This means that the message is now saved in the ​Processed Messages Overview​ window (see ​Processed Messages Overview (window)​).

    Scheduled messages have the status ​scheduled​ in the column ​Status​.


    1.  In themain navigation​ menu, click ​Messages > Outbox > Email​.

    2. Next to the message you would like to reschedule, click   Cancel Sendout​.

      ⇒  The sendout is cancelled. The message is now saved and available for further editing in the ​Prepared Messages Overview​ window (see ​Prepared Messages Overview (window)​).

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