Capitalise First Letters of Contact Names
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    Capitalise First Letters of Contact Names

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    Article summary


    To capitalize the first letter of the name of all contacts in your system.

    Use the "corrected" data for personalisation. This ensures that your personalizations read "Dear John" instead of "Dear john".

    Background Information​

    An operation is a type of profile-based automation. An operation consists of expression language applied to a profile attribute with the data type string, number or date. Use an operation to extract or modify data stored in an attribute.


    1. Create a new custom user attribute with the name ​FirstName_Capitalised . The data type is ​String​.

    2. In ​Automation​, create a new profile-based automation with the type ​Operation​.
      The target attribute is ​FirstName_Capitalised​.
      The operation has the following expression: ${ecx:capitalizeWords(user.FirstName)}

    3. Click the ​Save​ button.

    4. Select the profile-based automation and click the ​Activate​ button.
      ⇒ The profile-based automation is now active.

    5. Click the ​Apply Automations​ button.
      ⇒ Engage applies the automation to all contacts in the system. This can take a long time.

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