Categorized Member Report
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    Categorized Member Report

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    Article summary

    The Categorized Member Report exports detailed information about the members of one or more Engage groups. It differs from the normal Member Report in that you can select an attribute for comparison. The report compares the data on the basis of this attribute value. For example, you can compare the membership activity of male versus female group members.

    Use this report to compare different segments of your group.

    This report includes the following data:

    • Membership and activity data for the reporting period.

    • Calculated averages, such as the average number of opens, clicks and conversions.

    • The number of inactive group members, depending on the date of most recent activity in the group.

    See below for a complete list of the data items included in the export file.

    Select Groups​

    In this area you select groups for the report. The report includes all messages in the selected groups.

    • Specific Groups: Exports data for specific selected groups. Click the ​Select Groups​ button to open a pop-up window where you can select the groups you want.

    • Group Category: Exports data for all groups in a group category. For more information, see ​Group Categories​.

    • Recently Created Groups: Exports data for the most recently created groups. You can select 10, 20, 50, 100 or 500 groups.

      • Selected Groups: Displays the selected groups for the group report.

      • Select Groups: Selects groups to be included.

      • Remove: Removes the selected group.

      • Remove all: Removes all listed groups.

    Type of Data

    Data (Name in the Export File)

    Membership Data

    Active Recipients

    Unconfirmed Members

    Deactivated Members

    Subscriptions (in period)

    Unsubscribers (since group creation)

    Unsubscribes (in period)

    Deactivations (in period)

    Avg. Member Lifetime

    Message and Activity Data (Calculated Averages)

    Sent Messages per Member (total)

    Sent Messages per Member (average in period)

    Average Number of Responses per Member (in period)

    Opening per Member (in period)

    Clicks per Recipient (average in period)

    Orders per Recipient (average in period)

    Purchased Items per Recipient (average in reporting interval )

    Avg. Amount of Ordered Items per Member in Reporting Interval

    Message and Activity Data

    Messages Sent (total)

    Messages Sent in Reporting Interval

    Responses in Reporting Interval

    Opens in Reporting Interval

    Clicks in Reporting Interval

    Purchases in Reporting Interval

    Ordered Items in Reporting Interval

    Amount of ordered items in reporting interval

    Inactive Member Data

    Active Members with Last Open > 1 Week Ago

    Active Members with Last Open > 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 Months Ago

    Active Members with Last Click > 1 Week Ago

    Active Members with Last Click > 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 Months Ago

    Active Members with Last Order > 1 Week Ago

    Active Members with Last Order > 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 Months Ago

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