Change Profile Attribute
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    Change Profile Attribute

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    Article summary

    The ​Change Profile Attribute​ job changes one or more attributes in the profile of the contact. Any existing values are overwritten. You can change up to ten attribute values with one job.  You can select which attributes Engage changes and set new attribute values. This job can change standard and custom attributes, but cannot be used to change member attributes or group attributes.

    This job can store data from the automation in the profile attributes of the contact. For example, add the processing date of the event or the job to the profile of the corresponding contact. This additional profile data is useful for analysis, message personalisation, and selections.

    The attributes of system users with the same or higher system role are not changed.




    ​Add Attribute​

    Opens an attribute and value fields. You can add up to 10 attributes.


    Defines the profile attribute where the new value is stored. You cannot select the same attribute more than once. Both standard and custom attributes are available here.

    ​Value Type​

    Defines whether the job stores a set value or a value from the automation.

    • Defined Value:​ Stores the same value for all contacts. Enter the desired value in the ​Value​ input field. The value that you enter must match the data type of the attribute. For example, if the attribute data type is numeric, you must enter a number in the input field.

    • Event Value:​ Stores a value from the event. Select the value from the ​Value​ drop-down list. For example, ​Event Processing Date​ stores the date and time when the event took place. The value that is stored is different for each contact. The options in the drop-down list depend on the event.

      Value Type can be selected for custom attributes only.

    The job “Change Profile Attribute” executed by Whiteboard A does not trigger the “Changes Profile Attribute” Event in Whiteboard B. This prevents infinite loops.

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    Profile Attributes

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