Changes Profile Attribute
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    Changes Profile Attribute

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    Article summary

    The system registers this event when the profile data of a contact changes. The profile change can be a change that is made by the contact, or an automatic change made by Mapp Engage or another system.  You can restrict the event to certain profile changes that you define. For example, a change to the mobile number.  You can create a split with this event. A split divides one path on the whiteboard into a positive and negative path.  Each contact follows one of the two paths, depending on whether the contact completes the action that is defined in the event.

    In order to prevent infinite loops, If the job “Change Profile Attribute” is executed by a Whiteboard, it won't trigger a “Changes Profile Attribute” Event in another Whiteboard. 

    The ​Changes Profile Attribute​ event includes the following profile changes:

    • Profile data changes entered on the user interface.

    • Profile data changes transmitted via API.

    The ​Changes Profile Attribute​ event excludes the following profile changes:

    • Profile data changes that result from contact import into the system.

    • Profile data changes that result from an XML job package (asynchronous SOAP).

    The following API methods trigger this event:​

    • userUpdateProfile​

    • ​userReplaceProfile​​​​​

    • userReplaceProfileByEmail

    The following API methods do not trigger this event:

    • membershipUpdateAttribute​




    ​Any Profile Attribute​

    All profile changes produce the event.

    ​Specific Profile Attribute​

    Only profile changes to a specific profile attribute produce the event. Select the attribute from the drop-down list.


    Defines the attribute that the system checks. You can select one or more attributes.

    • Any of the following:​ Selected attributes are combined with an OR operator. Contacts must match at least one of the specified attributes to continue down the path.

    • ​All of the following:​ Selected attributes are combined with an AND operator. Contacts must match all specified attributes to continue down the path.


    Defines the operator which the system uses to check the attribute value. Depending on the selected attribute, different operators are available.

    .Following operators are available:

    • Equals:​ Selects contacts who have a value in the selected attribute that exactly matches the desired value.

    • Does Not Equal:​ Selects contacts who lack the selected value in the selected attribute.

    • Contains:​ Selects contacts who have a value in the selected attribute that contains the desired characters.

    • Starts with:​ Selects contacts who have a value in the selected attribute that starts with the desired characters.

    • Ends with:​ Selects contacts who have a value in the selected attribute that ends with the desired characters.

    • Matches:​ Selects contacts who have a value in the selected attribute that matches the desired regular expression [Regex].

    • ​Is Empty:​ Selects contacts who have no value in the selected attribute. The selected attribute is empty.

    • ​Is Not Empty:​ Selects contacts who have any value in the selected attribute.

    • Is Greater Than:​ Selects contacts who have a value in the selected attribute that is greater than the value entered in the input field.

    • Is Greater Than or Equals:​ Selects contacts who have a value in the selected attribute that is greater than or equal to the value entered in the input field.

    • ​Is Less Than:​ Selects contacts who have a value in the selected attribute that is less than the value entered in the input field.

    • ​Is Less than or Equals:​ Selects contacts who have a value in the selected attribute that is less than or equal to the value entered in the input field.


    Defines the attribute value that the system checks. Depending on the selected attribute, you can select a value from the drop-down list or define the desired value in the input field.

    ​Add Attribute​

    Adds additional attributes and value fields. You can select up to 10 attributes.

    The system does not register this event for changes to existing profile values that are made by an import or XML job. For example, asynch SOAP.

    Related Topics

    Profile Attributes

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