Cloud Export File
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    Cloud Export File

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    Article summary

    Engage provides several types of Cloud Exports that are designed to fit specific customer use cases. Each type of Cloud Export offers different combinations of data. The export file includes the data types that you select in the export configuration. It is not possible to add data types from one Cloud Export type to another.

    The following types of Cloud Exports have been deprecated and are not available anymore:

    • Aggregated Link Clicks​

    • Link Clicks​

    • Message send and bounced

    • Recipient Context​

    • Detailed Recipient Activity

    • Aggregated Recipient Activity​

    Please use Raw Data Export instead.

    Available Cloud Exports

    • Tracking Data for Landing Pages​

    • Sendout Details for Coupons​

    • Related Data​

    Each ​Timestamp​ in your export conforms to the ISO 8601 format, an international standard for the representation of dates and times. The timestamp includes an offset for communication across time zones. For example, 2014-04-30T06:05:10Z.

    For more information, see

    Tracking Data for Landing Pages​

    This export gives you information about visits to landing pages that were created with Engage. For more information, see ​Landing Pages​.

    The export contains one row per page view.

    To generate the export, the time range of the data to be exported must be defined. In the ​Tracking Data for Landing Pages​ export, the time frame refers to when the visit to the landing page took place.

    You can select the following information for export:

    User Interface

    Heading / Tag in Export




    Shows the time when the recipient viewed the landing page.

    For example, 25-01-2014Z09:46:32Z.

    ​Visitor ID​


    Shows the ID number of the site visitor. The ID is a hash code value based on the IP address of the visitor. Visitors who connect to the internet with a shared IP address can have the same ID number.

    ​Event Type​


    Shows the type of event Engage tracked.

    The following values are possible:

    • Page view - PAGEIMPRESSION

    • Link clicked (in email) - LINKCLICK

    ​Landing Page URL​


    Shows the full web address that the web server received.

    ​Client Name​


    Shows the name of the computer program that the recipient used to view or open the email. For example, Internet Explorer or Firefox.

    ​Client Version​


    Shows the version of the computer program that the recipient used to view the email.

    For example, Outlook 2010 or Apple Mail 7.3.

    ​Operating System​


    Shows the name of the operating system on the device of your recipient.

    For example, Windows or iOS.

    ​Operating System Version​


    Shows the version of the operating system on the device of your recipient.

    For example, iOS 8 or Windows 7.



    Shows the device type of the recipient. This information is based on a value the browser transmits to Engage directly. The device type is recorded for all opens, renders, and clicks.

    The following platforms are possible:

    • Mobile

    • Desktop

    • Tablet



    Shows the 2-letter ISO country code of the recipient. The country is based on the IP address to which the tracking pixel is downloaded from the Engage server.

    For a list of all ISO country codes, see



    Shows the 2-letter geolocation region code of the recipient. The region is based on the IP address to which the tracking pixel is downloaded from the Engage server.

    Region codes for the US and Canada are ISO-3166-2 code. Region codes for all other countries are FIPS 10-4. For more information, see



    Shows the name of the city of the recipient. The city is based on the IP address of the recipient at the time they visited the page.

    The name of the city is displayed in English.

    ​User ID​


    Shows the ID of the recipient. Engage assigns the ID automatically when the contact or system user is created. The ID is used for internal identification and is unique in the system.

    ​Group ID​


    Shows the ID of the group in which the message is sent. Engage assigns the group ID automatically when the category is created. The ID is used for internal identification and is unique in the system.

    If the ID is not transmitted with the link to the landing page in the Engage email, this field remains empty in the export.

    ​Referrer URL​


    Shows the web address of the page from which the landing page was accessed.

    If no address is transmitted, this field remains empty in the export.

    ​Search Engine​


    Shows the search engine. The search engine is determined from the referrer. If the referrer includes the address of a known search engine, Engage displays the address.

    ​Message ID​


    Shows the ID of the sent message. Engage automatically assigns the ID when the message is created. The ID is used for internal identification and is unique in the system.

    The message ID is always added to the link to the landing page created by the Engage Variable.

    Sendout Details for Coupons​

    This export contains information about the use of coupons. You can limit the export to specific coupon lists, or include all coupon lists.

    The export contains one row per coupon.

    To generate the export, the time range of the data to be exported must be defined. In the ​Sendout Details for Coupons​ export, the time frame refers to when the coupon was sent.

    You can select the following information for export:

    User Interface

    Heading / Tag in Export


    ​Email Address​


    Shows the email address of the recipient. Engage uses the email address for internal identification of the contact or system user. The email address is unique in the system but can be edited. Therefore, the current email address of the recipient can vary from the address at the time of the activity.

    ​User ID​


    Shows the ID of the recipient. Engage assigns the ID automatically when the contact or system user is created. The ID is for internal identification and is unique in the system.

    ​Message ID​


    Shows the ID of the message in which the coupon was included. Engage assigns the ID automatically when the message is created. The ID is used for internal identification and is unique in the system.

    ​Message Name​


    Shows the name of the message. The author of the message defines the message name when the message is created. The name is used for internal identification in the system. The message name is not visible to the recipient of the message.

    ​Sendout Date​


    Shows the date on which Engage transferred the message that contained the coupon to the internal mail transfer agent (MTA).

    The format is YYYY-MM-DD.

    The date Engage transfers the message to the internal MTA can be different from the date the message is delivered to the recipient.

    ​Coupon List​


    Shows the name of the coupon list from which Engage sent the coupon code.

    ​Coupon Code​


    Shows the coupon code that Engage sent.

    Related Data​

    This export contains data that is stored in a related data set. The information that is available corresponds to the columns created for the related data set. You can select which columns of the related data set are included in the export file.

    Aggregated Recipient Activity​

    This export provides a detailed insight into the activity level of each recipient in your Engage system within a specific range of dates. The export contains information about the message-related activity of all your recipients in a specific time frame. The export includes each recipient one time per message, and shows a summary of all their behavior. This export only includes data for group messages.

    To generate the export, the time range of the data to be exported must be defined. In the ​Aggregated Recipient Activity​ export, the time frame refers to when the activity took place. Recipient activities that take place outside of the specified time frame are not included in the export.

    Link tracking and conversion information is only available for messages when tracking is activated for the Engage system before message sendout.

    For more information, see ​Activate Link Tracking for a Group​ and ​Conversion Tracking​.

    You can select the following information for export:

    User Interface

    Heading / Tag in Export


    ​Email Address​


    Shows the email address of the recipient. Engage uses the email address for internal identification of the contact or system user. The email address is unique in the system but can be edited. Therefore, the current email address of the recipient can vary from the address at the time of the activity.

    ​Last Click​


    Shows when the most recent click activity within the selected time frame occurred.

    ​Last Open​


    Shows when the most recent open within the selected time frame occurred. Engage registers the open with a tracking pixel.

    ​Last Conversion​


    Shows when the most recent conversion within the selected time frame occurred.

    ​Messages Sent ​


    Shows how many messages Engage sent to the internal MTA for delivery to the recipient within the selected time frame. This number can vary from the number of messages that are delivered to the recipient. Engage sorts out messages before sendout for various reasons. For example, Engage skips addresses with invalid email domains.



    Shows how many responses messages to the recipient generated within the selected time frame.

    ​Unique Link Clicks ​


    Shows how many different links in messages the recipient clicked during the specified time frame.

    ​Unique Opens​


    Shows how many different messages the recipient opened during the specified time frame. Engage registers the open with a tracking pixel.

    ​Unique Conversions​


    Shows how many different conversions the recipient completed during the specified time frame.

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