CMS Message Edit Paragraph (window)
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    CMS Message Edit Paragraph (window)

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    Article summary

    Feature Retirement​

    This feature is scheduled for retirement.

    Since the launch of Mapp Cloud, our teams have been working to enhance the product. We have rebuilt certain features and functionalities from the ground up based on modern programming languages for enhanced speed and stability. While we are currently maintaining the legacy and new systems in parallel, we are retiring three legacy features: Selections, CMS Message, and the legacy Whiteboard.

    Contact your Account Manager or Technical Support for more information.

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click Content​ > ​CMS Message​.

    2. Create a new message or edit an existing message.

    3. In the ​Actions​ column of the ​Message Paragraphs​ area, click  > Edit​ or the  symbol.

    Related Topics​

    Edit Paragraph window​

    The content of each CMS message paragraph is created in the ​Edit Paragraph​ window. The available input fields vary depending on which ​Master Template​ is selected. There, the general layout of existing paragraphs and other individually defined functions are stored. Depending on the ​Master Template, different input fields are available that match the requirements for the newsletter. Accordingly, images or text segments can be read automatically or input fields can be made available for editing.

    An additional function is working with contributors. These can edit individual paragraphs without having direct access to other functions in Engage (see ​Enable Paragraph Editing for Contributors​).

    A single paragraph consists of different areas that can be edited or used to display.

    Standard display​

    • Message Name: Displays the message name of the CMS message.

    • Paragraph Name: Displays the name of the paragraph.

    Valid entries for all paragraphs​

    • Sendout Condition: This area defines whether the paragraph is sent to all recipients or is deleted from the email during sendout for individual recipients.

      • No Condition: This option specifies that the CMS paragraph is sent to all recipients of the message.

      • Selection: This option specifies that the paragraph is only sent to those recipients who meet the conditions that are defined in the selection.Pick a selection: This drop-down list allows you to choose a selection available in the system. In paragraphs, only simple selections based on user attributes and related data can be applied. Complex personalizations (group- or message-based) are not displayed.

    • Attributes: This option specifies that the CMS paragraph will only be sent to those recipients who have a certain value in a specific attribute (e.g. only male recipients). The user profile is stored in a single attribute.Please select an attribute: This drop-down list selects the attribute in which the recipient information is saved (see ​Attributes​).Select a value: This drop-down list defines the value to be stored in the attribute when the paragraph is inserted in the email.

    • Block is finished: This drop-down list indicates the status of the paragraph.

      • Yes: The paragraph is finalized and needs no further changes.

      • No: The paragraph must be edited.

    • Save & View: This button saves changes to the paragraph and opens the ​CMS Message Part Preview​ window. A preview of the paragraph is displayed in this window. Personalizations are displayed with placeholders (see ​Personalisation​). A preview of the entire message is available from the ​Edit CMS Message​ window.

    • Save: This button saves changes to the paragraph.

    • Save & Close: The button saves the changes and closes the paragraph editor. The ​Edit CMS Message​ window opens. This is where the message is assembled by adding and arranging the paragraphs.

    • Close: This button closes the paragraph editor. The ​Edit CMS Message​ window opens. This is where the message is assembled by adding and arranging the paragraphs.

    Advanced Options​

    • Due date: Input field to record the deadline for which the co-author must have completed the paragraph. The due date will be included in the email to be sent to the co-author to inform them of the deadline. The date can be entered directly with the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or selected with the calendar icon .

    • Description: Input field for the description. The description will be sent as a message to the co-author and informs them of the specific task for working with the paragraph. The description can be a maximum 30 characters.

    • Contributor Email: Input field for the contributor email address. The contributor does not have to be saved in the system. If he has no additional system roles saved in Engage, he only has access to the paragraphs to be edited (see ​Enable Paragraph Editing for Contributors​).

    • Remind: This button sends the email to the contributor and informs him that changes are to be made to the paragraph. By default, the message contains a login function that provides the contributor with access to the paragraph in Engage.If you want to change this, the placeholder <% login.Signature%> must be modified for the system message ​SysMsgRemindContributor​ (see ​Edit System Message (window)​).


    • Upload Attachment: An attachment can be added to any paragraph. It is always attached to the entire email. If, however, the paragraph is not sent to a recipient because of a filter, he will also not receive the attachment it contains.

      • Upload File: This button allows you to search for a file on your local computer and insert it into the email. When a file is selected, the file name is displayed after the button.

      • Already imported: This area displays all attachments which are prepared for sendout.

    Input fields for editing the paragraph - depending on the Master Template​

    Depending on the paragraph and options stored in the ​Master Template​, different input fields are displayed for creating the paragraphs. Each element of a paragraph (such as images, links, text) is processed in separate input fields or drop-down lists.

    Some of the possible variations in the CMS are described below.

    Possible Input Fields:

    • Text field: Text fields are used for entering text segments. Depending on the template, text fields can be similar to the message editor (see ​HTML Code View​) or can be restricted to text entry. With the HTML editor, simple formatting can be inserted in WYSIWYG mode. Otherwise, it is only possible to enter text. In addition, the ​Personalisation​ slider can be accessed via the ​Personalisation​ button (see ​Personalisation (wizard)​). With this functionality, personalization and placeholders, such as the address and name of a recipient, can be inserted into the text.

    • Link: The link field is used to enter links. If configured, enter the link text and the address (URL).

      • URL: The URL is the exact target address to which the message is linked, e.g. The URL can be modified, depending on the Master Template, with the Personalisation button. By inserting individual placeholders or personalizing the entire address, different links are sent to the recipients (see ​Personalisation (wizard)​).

      • Link text: The link text is the text that is displayed to the recipient in the message and activated on click.

    • Image: This area defines images that are inserted in the paragraph. Depending on the template, the images are sent in the message or linked. Not all images of a template are interchangeable. If fixed images are loaded, they cannot be edited or selected.

      • URL: This input field designates the image address. The images can be called up from any address. If the images are to be managed in and retrieved from Engage, they can be accessed from the Content Store.Browse: This button opens the Image Properties window. There, the address of the image in the Content Store can be selected (see ​Content Store (window)​).Upload File: This button allows you to load a new file directly from your Desktop. The file is automatically saved in the Content Store and is available for reuse in additional messages.

      • Alt-Text: This input field defines the alternative text for the image. The alternate text is displayed instead of the image if the image can not be displayed.

      • Image Map: This entry displays the HTML code for the image map. The HTML code for the image map is only visible if the image map has already been created. An image map cannot be added or edited manually.Insert/Edit Image Map: This button opens the ​Insert/Edit Image Map​ window. There, image links can be defined and edited. For more information, see ​Insert or Edit Image Map (window)​.

    • Greyed-out Areas: not all areas are available for editing. These are usually, for example, automatically generated content, imported teasers or automatically generated signatures. In paragraphs, a greyed-out area is only displayed to inform the author that content will be added later in this location.

    • Reset: This button removes all entries that were made in a single text box, the image selection, or in the link definition. It will only reset the entries for the selected field. The rest of the paragraph remains unchanged by this action.

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