CMS Message Overview (window)
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    CMS Message Overview (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    ​Content​ > ​CMS Message

    CMS Message Overview Window​

    The ​CMS Message Overview​ window lists all available CMS Messages and provides options for working with CMS messages.

    For more information about CMS messages, see ​CMS Messages.

    Create: This button opens the ​Edit CMS Message (window) to create a CMS message.

    Available Actions​

    The  symbol is the quick link to open the ​CMS Message​ window to edit a CMS message.




    This item opens the ​Edit CMS Message (window)​ where you can edit the CMS Message.


    This item opens the CMS Message preview as an overlay. The preview displays the inserted text and paragraphs but no personalization. If the CMS message contains placeholders, the placeholders are displayed as code. The code is replaced during sendout. If the CMS message contains personalized paragraphs that are only displayed for a certain group, the paragraphs are displayed without personalization. To continue work, close this preview.

    Preview​ in New Window

    This item opens the CMS Message preview in a new window. The preview displays the inserted text and paragraphs but no personalization. If the CMS message contains placeholders, the placeholders are displayed as code. The code is replaced during sendout. If the CMS message contains personalized paragraphs for a certain group, the paragraphs are displayed without personalization. You can keep the preview open as a reference and continue work in the original window.


    This item creates a copy of the selected message structure but without copying any of the existing content (text, pictures). This procedure is an easy way to create an identical structure without content (see ​Edit CMS Message (window)​).

    Copy Content​

    This item creates a copy of the selected message, including all content (text, pictures).

    ​Change Owner​

    This item opens the ​Transfer Ownership​ window, where it is possible to transfer the ownership of the CMS message.


    This item opens the ​Prepare Sendout​ window, where you begin the process to send the message (see ​Configuration for Sendout​).

    Visible Information for the CMS Messages Overview (Columns of the Table)​



    ​Due Date​

    This column shows the date the CMS messages are sent. You can filter the messages by date range.


    This column shows the name of the CMS messages. The column can be empty.


    This column shows the master template for the CMS message. A master template is specialized for the requirements of the individual user. Mapp Digital creates this template and adds it to the Mapp Engage system.


    This column shows the number of paragraphs in the CMS messages. You cannot sort the list by this item.


    This column shows the CMS message's current owner. It is possible to transfer ownership to a new owner.

    ​Creation Date​

    This column shows the date and time on which the selected CMS message was created. You can select a date range to filter the messages.

    ​Last Update​

    This column shows the date and time on which the selected CMS message was most recently saved or modified. You can select a date range to filter the messages.

    General Page Options​




    This drop-down list is used to filter which entries are displayed. It can display active or archived entries.

    ​Remove filter​

    This button removes any filter that is applied to the display. All available entries are again shown.

    ​Number of visible rows​

    This drop-down list adjusts the number of entries that are displayed per page (10, 20, 50, or 100 visible rows).


    The list can be browsed via arrows () at the bottom of the page. The arrows appear when all of the available entries cannot be displayed on one page.

    ​Select All​

    This checkbox selects all visible entries.


    This button archives any selected entries. Archived entries are not deleted but remain stored in the system. To view archived entries, select ​Archived​ from the drop-down list ​Show. Archived entries can be reactivated at any time.


    This button deletes any selected entries after an additional confirmation question. The deleted entries are permanently removed from the system and cannot be retrieved.

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