CMS2 Blocks: User Manual
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    CMS2 Blocks: User Manual

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    Article summary


    There are 27 unique blocks available, each designed exclusively for use with the QuickStart 2023 Framework. The details of each block are explained on the following pages. All the blocks are in the "QuickStart 2023" folder.



    01 – Preheader

    Preheader text - used to summarize the email content, a call-to-action, or an incentive to encourage recipients to open an email.

    02 – Logo Header

    Add a brand logo, and set its alignment and size on desktop and mobile.

    03 – Navigation

    This navigation block, also known interchangeably as a menu, can have up to eight editable links. 

    04 – Navigation with Hamburger

    The Hamburger-style navigation looks the same as the standard navigation mentioned above in desktop view, but for mobile, it offers three horizontal lines resembling a hamburger (which is where the name came from).

    05 – Title or Heading

    This simple title/heading block offers the usual styling options and text alignment but with the additional option to add a link to the text.

    06 – Text Block

    A text block with options to hide/show the different elements within the block – Subtitle & text area.

    07 – Hero Image

    A hero image is a prominent section, typically filling the opening screen, used to grab the recipient’s attention.

    08 – Hero Image with Overlay

    An image block with overlaid elements such as a heading, text area, and button can be hidden or shown. 

    09 – Spacer

    The simple Spacer block.

    10 – Image Left/Right with text

    A 50/50 width split view between an image and text area with the option to swap the image or text to the left or right sides.

    11 – Voucher/Coupon

    This block has the same features as block 10 but with the added option of including a voucher code or discount code in conjunction with uploading coupon codes to Engage or a single manual generic code.

    12 – 2 images

    Two images side by side on desktop and mobile and the option to stack them on mobile.

    13 – 1 or 2 Products

    This block can display 1 or 2 products with text and a button under each image tile.

    14 – 3 or 6 Products

    The same as the 13 – 1 or 2 Products block, but the options are to display 3 or 6 product tiles.

    15 – 4 or 8 Product

    Product block with up to 4 or 8 products with various editable parameters.

    16 – Text and CTA

    Simple full-width text and button block.

    17 – CTA

    A stand-alone CTA (call-to-action) block.

    18 – Video block

    Video block with a GIF image fallback support.

    19 – Carousel

    This block consists of a carousel of images that can display up to 4 images and apply thumbnails or different slide tabbing options.

    20 – Image Hotspot

    This is a unique block that can only be used once per message. It is an interactive Hotspot block allowing the recipient to interact with the feature directly within the email.

    21 – Image Reveal

    Interactive Image Reveal block. Images can be clicked to reveal up to five underlying images, tap each image to reveal the next, and so on.

    22 – Signature Block

    A basic Signature block

    23 – Social Icon Block

    This is a stand-alone Social Icon block that can display up to six social media images and their respective text and links.

    24 – Footer Block

    All social media, legal, unsubscribe links, and company information are held here.

    25 – Countdown

    A countdown timer block with lots of editable features. An extremely useful tool in terms of call-to-action. This is now compatible across all known email clients, with a slight exception for some desktop Outlook versions.

    26 – Ordered or Unordered list

    This block can be used to create up to 4 rows of an ordered or unordered list with various style choices.

    27 – Tabbed Effect

    An interactive block where the recipient is able to click tabs within the email, displaying selected text relevant to each tab.

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