Comparative Analysis (window)
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    Comparative Analysis (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the main navigation, click   Statistics​ > Group Messages > Email.

    2. Select the check boxes next to the messages that you would like to compare. You can compare from 2 through 50 messages at one time.

    3. Click Compare.


    This window lets you compare the performance of from 2 through 50 messages.

    The ​Top 5 Messages​ chart provides you with a quick visual display of your best messages. Engage selects the five best-performing messages on the basis of their click-through rate (CTR). The click-through rate is a clear indicator of whether your contacts are engaging with the content of your messages.

    Beneath the table, you can view the sums and averages for each of the KPIs. Use the averages to establish a baseline of how well your messages generally perform. This enables you to see whether a certain message performed above or below average.

    You can compare from 2 through 50 messages at one time. To select messages, they must appear on the same page of the  ​Group Message Statistics Overview​  window. If necessary, you can filter the overview table so that all the messages you want to compare appear on the same page.




    ​Time Distribution​

    Opens a window where you can compare the success of up to 10 messages on an hourly or daily basis. For more information, see Comparative Time Distribution (window).

    Allows you to export or print the chart.

    Opens the ​Visual Reporting​ window, which provides a visual summary of the clicks in the message variation. For more information, see Visual Reporting (window).

    Top 5 Messages (Chart)​

    The  ​Top 5 Messages​  chart provides you with a quick visual display of your best messages.

    Engage selects the five best-performing messages on the basis of their click-through rate (CTR). The click-through rate is a clear indicator of whether your contacts are engaging with the content of your messages.

    This chart helps you to see at a glance which of your messages was most successful with your contacts.

    Click the  ​Average​  button to show the average of the top five messages. This is the average of the five messages, not the average of all the messages that you selected for the comparative analysis.

    Table Comparison​

    The table lists all the messages that you selected for comparison. You can compare messages in terms of:

    • Accepted messages and accepted rate

    • Confirmed openers and confirmed open rate

    • Clickers and CTR (Click-through rate)

    • Conversions and conversion rate

    Beneath the table, you can view the sums and averages for each of the KPIs. Use the averages to establish a baseline of how well your messages generally perform. This enables you to see whether a certain message performed above or below average.




    Displays the date and time when the message sendout started.

    ​Subject ​

    Displays the subject line that appears in the email inbox of your contacts.


    Displays the name of the message in Engage. The internal message name makes it easier to find a message elsewhere in the system (for example, in the statistics). The message name is not visible to the recipient.

    ​Accepted ​

    Displays the number of messages that were accepted by the email provider's Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    This KPI is calculated as follows

    Accepted = Messages Sent - Bounced​

    At the bottom of the table, you can see the sum and average for this KPI. The sum and average are calculated as follows:

    Sum = Sum of Accepted messages for all selected messages​

    Average Accepted = Sum of Accepted messages for all selected messages / Total number of selected messages​

    ​Accepted Rate​

    Displays the percentage of messages that were accepted by the receiving Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client-server and did not produce a bounce.

    This KPI is calculated as follows:

    Accepted Rate = Accepted / Messages Sent​

    At the bottom of the table, you can see the average for this KPI. The average is calculated as follows:

    Average Accepted Rate = Sum of all Accepted Rates for all selected messages / Total number of selected messages​

    ​Confirmed Openers​

    Displays the number of recipients who opened a message. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts one time. Confirmed opens include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked.

    At the bottom of the table, you can see the sum and average for this KPI. The sum and average are calculated as follows:

    Sum = Sum of all Confirmed Openers for all selected messages​

    Average Confirmed Openers = Sum of all Confirmed Openers for all selected messages / Total number of selected messages​

    Confirmed Open Rate​

    Displays the number of unique confirmed opens divided by the total number of accepted messages. Confirmed opens include all emails where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked. It is possible that some recipients opened the email with images suppressed and did not click any link; in these cases, the open cannot be counted. The Confirmed Open Rate is therefore only an estimate and is likely to be a low estimate.

    This KPI is calculated as follows: 

    Confirmed Open Rate = Confirmed Opens / Accepted messages​

    ​At the bottom of the table, you can see the average for this KPI.

    The average is calculated as follows:

    Average Confirmed Open Rate = Sum of all Confirmed Open Rates for all selected messages / Total number of selected messages​


    Displays the number of recipients who have clicked on any link in the message. If a recipient clicks more than one link in the message, this only counts one time. The statistical analysis of link clicks is available under the  ​Link Analysis​  tab (see ​Link Analysis (tab)​).

    At the bottom of the table, you can see the sum and average for this KPI. The sum and average are calculated as follows:

    Sum = Sum of all Clickers for all selected messages ​

    Average Clickers = Sum of all Clickers for all selected messages / Total number of selected messages​


    Displays the number of recipients who click on a link in a message divided by the number of accepted messages.

    This KPI is calculated as follows: 

    ​CTR = Clickers / Accepted Messages​

    At the bottom of the table, you can see the average for this KPI.

    The average is calculated as follows:

    Average CTR = Sum of the Click Through Rates for all selected messages / Total number of selected messages​

    ​Conversions (Unique) ​

    Displays the number of recipients who have completed a defined conversion (e.g. completed a purchase) on the basis of the message (see ​Conversion Tracking​).

    At the bottom of the table, you can see the sum and average for this KPI.

    These sum and average are calculated as follows:

    Sum = Sum of all Conversions (Unique) for all selected message

    Average Conversions = Sum of all Conversions (Unique) for all selected messages / Total number of selected messages​

    ​Conversion Rate​

    The conversion rate is the number of unique conversions divided by the number of accepted messages.

    This KPI is calculated as follows: 

    Conversion Rate = Conversions (Unique) / Accepted messages

    ​At the bottom of the table, you can see the average for this KPI.

    The average is calculated as follows:

    ​Average Conversion Rate = Sum of all Conversion Rates for all selected messages / Total number of selected messages

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