Comparative Time Distribution
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    Comparative Time Distribution

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the  ​Main Navigation​  menu, click  ​Statistics​.
      ⇒ The  ​Group Message Statistics Overview​  window opens.

    2. Click   ​Split Statistics​.
      ⇒ The  ​Split Message Center​  window opens.

    3. In the area  ​Recipient Activity​, click  ​Comparative Time Distribution​.

      ⇒ The  ​Comparative Time Distribution​  window opens.

    The Comparative Time Distribution window​

    The  ​Comparative Time Distribution​  window provides the possibility to analyze, within a certain time frame after split message sendout, when recipients opened or clicked a message. A maximum of 10 messages are displayed. The main sendout (if available) is not included in the comparative time distribution.

    Basic Information​

    The  ​Basic Information​  area provides general information about the messages sent in the split sendout.

    • Split Sendout:  This entry displays the message ID that is automatically assigned by the system during sendout. This ID refers to the split sendout as a whole; all versions, as well as the main sendout, have separate, unique ID numbers. This ID is unique and is used to identify the split sendout in the system.

    • Number of Variations:  This entry displays the number of message variations included in the split test, as well as the percentage of all group recipients who received a split variation. This does not include the main sendout, even if the main sendout was automatically started as a part of the split sendout process.

    • Group:  This entry displays the name of the group with which the message was sent.

    • Date Sent (split sendout):  This entry displays the date and time on which the split sendout was started.

    • Date Sent (main sendout):  This entry displays the date and time on which the main sendout was started.

    • Group Size:  This entry displays the number of active members in the sendout group at the point in time when the server began sending the message.

    • Selection:  This entry displays the selection applied during sendout. A selection is optional. This entry can therefore be empty. 

    • Attribute for Uniform Distribution:  This entry displays an attribute selected for uniform distribution in the split sendout. For more information, see  ​Split Sendout Settings (window)​.

    • Main Sendout Criteria:  This entry specifies which criteria was used to evaluate message performance and to determine which variation was sent as the main sendout. A criterion is defined when the split sendout is created. For these criteria, see  ​Split Sendout Settings (window)​.
      The following categories are available:

      • Highest Open Rate:  The variation with the highest  ​Confirmed Open Rate​  rate was sent as the main sendout.
        The Confirmed Open Rate is calculated according to the eec as follows:

        ​Confirmed Open Rate = Confirmed Openers / Accepted messages​

      • Highest Click Rate:  The variation with the highest  ​CTR (Click Through Rate)​  was sent as the main sendout.
        The CTR is calculated according to the eec as follows:

        ​CTR = Clickers / Accepted messages​

      • Highest No. of Conversions (Total):  The variation with the highest number of  ​Conversions (Total) (per Message)​  is sent as the main sendout. In order to use this function, conversion tracking must be activated and a connection between Engage and your target page (e.g. shop confirmation page) must be in place. For more information see Conversions (window)​.

      • Lowest Unsubscribe Rate:  The variation with the lowest number of resulting  ​Unsubscribes​  was sent as the main sendout.

    General Settings​

    The general settings determine whether the analysis is based on the time distribution of opens and clicks per day, or per hour. Furthermore, you have the option to choose which values ​​are displayed in the graph corresponding to the selected time frame.

    The time distribution is calculated as follows:

    ​Time Distribution = number of all activities recorded at the end of an interval - number of all activities recorded at the beginning of an interval​

    • Select time frame:  Here you select the time frame over which the opens and clicks are evaluated. After selection of the time frame, the graph automatically updates to reflect the new settings.

      • Hourly:  This radio button displays the click and open evaluation on an hourly basis. Depending on the selected  ​Period​, the results are displayed for either one or two days.

      • Daily:  This radio button displays the click and open evaluation on a daily basis. Depending on the selected  ​Period​, the results are displayed for up to 14 days.

    • Period:  This entry defines the total length of time over which the results are displayed. Depending on the selection for  ​Select time frame​  (daily or hourly), the results can be displayed over a period of one (min.) to 14 (max.) days. After selection of the time frame, the graph automatically updates to reflect the new settings.

    • Show values for:  Here you can select the type of recipient activity that should be evaluated and displayed in the chart. Only one activity can be displayed at a time. After selection, the diagram automatically updates to reflect the new setting. Each message being compared is assigned a different symbol and color in the graph. These are explained in the legend to the right of the graph. The system also calculates and displays the average result of all messages selected for comparison.

      • Confirmed Opens:  This entry displays the time distribution of when the message was opened.
        According to the eec, this represents the total number of times a message is displayed (whether fully opened or within the preview pane). Confirmed opens include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked (it is possible that some recipients opened the message with images suppressed and did not click any link; in these cases, the open cannot be counted).

      • Confirmed Openers:  This entry displays the time distribution of the number of recipients who have opened the message. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts one time. Confirmed opens include all emails where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked.

      • Total Clicks:  This entry displays the time distribution of when clicks on a link in the mail took place.

      • Clickers:  This entry displays the time distribution of clickers, that is, recipients who clicked on a link in the message. If a recipient clicks more than one link in the message, this only counts one time. The statistics analysis of link clicks is available under the  ​Link Analysis​  tab (see ​Link Analysis (tab)​).

    Line Chart and Legend​

    The line chart and legend are used for visual display of time distribution. The system evaluates the recipient activity in a given time frame, and this is displayed in the chart.

    • Line Chart:  The line chart provides a visual display of the time distribution of selected recipient activities for the respective messages. For more information, see General Settings​. After selection, the chart automatically updates to reflect the new setting. Scroll the mouse over the points on each line to see the exact number of clicks or opens at that point in time.

    • Legend:  The legend for the chart provides an overview of the symbols and colors used to represent each kind of activity. This makes it easier to identify each message in the chart. Clicking on any item in the legend hides or displays the respective activity type, for example to quickly compare between different activity types. The legend displays all messages selected for display (but a maximum of 10).

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