Compare Dates
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    Compare Dates

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    Article summary

    These functions provide tools for comparing two date values. Many of these functions process and return the information as a Boolean value which can be used to create personalization rules or selection criteria.




    Determines whether two specified dates are equal.


    Determines whether a specified date is greater than a reference date.


    Determines whether a specified date is equal to or greater than a reference date.


    Determines whether a specified date is less than a reference date.


    Determines whether a specified date is equal to or less than a reference date.


    Determines whether a specified date is not equal to a reference date.


    Returns the number of years between two dates.


    Determines whether a specified date is between a start and an end date.


    Calculates the difference between two dates in a specified unit.


    Verifies whether the current time is within one of the periods given as a parameter.

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