Compose Push Notification (window)
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    Compose Push Notification (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    Create​ New >  Message​ > ​ Push Notification


    This step defines the content of your push notification and its behavior.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Create or upload your notification content.

    • Define push actions or landing pages.

    • Add parameters that transfer invisible information with your push notification.

    • Add personalizations that individualize push notifications.

    • Add tags to define search results or work processes.

    • Create seamless Silent Push notifications.

    • If activated, you can create a custom attribute





    Adds recipient-specific content to the push notification during sendout. Personalization makes the content of your push notification more relevant. For push notifications, it is available for:

    • the account holder's personalization information, and 

    • the account holder's child's personalization information. Use the multi-tenant personalization tag <#> to the message body, followed by regular personalization tags ${...}.

    There are two types of personalizations:

    • Personalization placeholders insert recipient-specific information from the profile data of the contact into your push notifications, for example, the first name of the contact. During sendout, the placeholder is replaced with the profile value.

    • Personalization rules insert content elements when a predefined condition is met. For example, only if the recipient is a woman. Personalization rules are commands that create multiple versions of the push notification for different contacts or target groups. The rule tells Mapp Engage to add specific content to certain contacts' notifications and different content for others. The rule follows InsertIf/InsertElse logic.

    If you insert a personalization placeholder or Mapp Engage variable into your push notification content, Mapp Engage cannot calculate the number of remaining characters. An element-based warning is displayed at the bottom of the input field.

    To change links, sounds, or other actions, open the ​Advanced Options​ area.

    ​Preview Contact​

    The Push Notification preview shows how the notification looks for a specific contact.


    Choose the app for Push Sendout.


    Insert message text (header and body).


    Insert images, videos, or audio, and choose a notification sound.

    ​Message Action​

    Choose if clicking the push notification will:

    • Launch the app

    • Open a landing page

    • Open a deep link

    • Open an app store or a Play store

    • Dial Number

    ​Add Personalization Tag​

    Add a personalized element to the push content.

    ​Insert Emoji​

    Inserts an emoji image into your push notification. Over 500 emojis are available.

    Silent Push

    Create and send silent push messages to your customers. This means you can send info to your app without notifying users directly.


    Returns you to step ​1. Info.


    Saves your push notification as a draft and keeps the window open. You can return to a draft message and edit it later. You can locate your draft messages in the ​Draft Messages window.


    Opens step ​ ​3. Configuration​​ of the message creation wizard. Here, you select the sendout group and the channel in which Mapp Engage sends the push notification. You can also apply a selection and prepare other sendout settings.

    Advanced Options​




    Defines whether a sound plays when the notification arrives on the device of your recipient. The default setting is ​No Sound. Select the sound file associated with your app from the drop-down list to specify a sound. No sound plays if you select a sound file for an app other than the one you are sending to.

    ​Push Action​

    Defines what happens when a recipient taps the push notification. The following options are available:

    • ​Launch App​ - Opens the app that is associated with the push notification when a recipient taps the push notification. ​Launch App​ is the default setting for all push notifications.

    • Open Landing Page​ - Opens a specified web page when a recipient taps the push notification.

    • Open Deep Link​ - Opens a specific location within the app that is associated with the push notification. For example, a deep link to the About screen of the app is structured as follows:TDB://open=About. The format of the required URL depends on the mobile device.

    • Open App Store / Play Store​ - Opens the appropriate app store for download and installation of the app that is associated with the push notification.

    Hint: ​Launch App​ is the default action for every push notification.

    All other options in the ​Advanced Options area automatically decrease the remaining number of characters available for your push notification. The bottom of the ​Mobile Push input field shows the current number of characters in your notification and the still available characters.

    ​​Button Action​

    Choose one of the few pre-defined buttons, configured localized button set(s), and the button action for each button:

    • Configured localized button set

      • When you choose one of the predefined button sets, a drop-down named Select configured localized button set appears below the App name drop-down. The initially selected value is "English". 

      • When you select another configured localized button set, the values in the label Localized button name change according to the selected configured localized button set. 

      • The chosen localized button set changes the language of the pre-defined buttons and the language of the "Play" and the "Turn off" buttons when a video or a GIF is used in the message.

    • Pre-defined buttons

      • Yes / No

      • Accept / Decline

      • Buy now

      • Read more

    • Button Actions

      • Launch App​ - Opens the app that is associated with the push notification when a recipient taps the push notification. ​Launch App​ is the default setting for all push notifications.

      • ​Open Landing Page​ - Opens a specified web page when a recipient taps the push notification.

      • Open Deep Link​ - Opens a specific location within the app that is associated with the push notification. For example, a deep link to the About screen of the app is structured as follows: TDB://open=About. The format of the required URL depends on the mobile device.

      • Open App Store / Play Store​ - Opens the appropriate app store for download and installation of the app that is associated with the push notification.

      • Dial Number - Dials the specified phone number when the recipient taps the push notification.

    Silent Push

    Define the settings for a Silent Push.  Silent Type  and  Silent Data set the action that will be performed by this message, as well as the corresponding data the user will get.

    Silent Type is the category of the push defined by you, which can be used to recognize the push internally. You can use anything you would like here. 

    Silent Data must be more specific. Data is a set identifier connecting the push to an existing action within the app that should be recognizable to the selected app. 

    Example: Silent Type: Promotion, Silent Data: "Summer sale 2021 promotion" - sending this silent push message will open the corresponding promotion offer in the app without notifying the user directly. They will then see this promotion first when the app is opened. 

    Custom Attributes

    You can create, update, edit, or delete Custom Attributes for better user engagement.

    This is an optional feature. Please speak to your Customer Success or Account Manager if you'd like to activate it.

    Related Topics​

    Create a Mobile Push Notification​
    ​Link a Page or Action with a Push Notification​
    ​Insert a personalization​
    ​Add Tags to a Message​

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