Compose SMS
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    Compose SMS

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    Create​ New >  Message​ > SMS Message > Create


    What can I do in this window?

    • Create an SMS message.

    • Add personalizations, and Mapp Engage Variables to an SMS message.

    • Add a link to an SMS Message, shorten the link and add parameters.

    • Select the SMS encoding. The encoding determines the character limit.

    Content Tools​




    Adds content to the message that is selected specifically for the contact or target group. Personalized content makes your messages more relevant to your recipients. There are two types of personalizations.

    • Personalization placeholders - Personalization placeholders allow you to insert a value from a profile attribute of your contact into the message. For example, you can insert the first name of the contact. During sendout, Mapp Engage replaces the personalization placeholder with the personalized value.

    • Personalization rules - Personalization rules are commands that create multiple versions of a message for different contacts or target groups. The rule tells Mapp Engage to add different content for different recipients. The rules follow InsertIf/InsertElse logic.

    ​Mapp Engage Variables​

    Opens a tool that lets you select and insert Mapp Engage Variables. A Mapp Engage Variable is composed of one or more elements that are added to a message.

    While personalizations insert recipient-specific information into messages, Mapp Engage Variables insert content that is the same for all recipients of a message.

    Mapp Engage Variables are marked with <% %>. During sendout, Mapp Engage completely replaces the Mapp Engage Variable with the correct content.

    For more information, see ​Mapp Engage Variables (window)​.

    ​Upload Message​

    Opens a tab that lets you select and import a message or message parts from an external tool. You can also define the character encoding here.

    ​Shorten Links​

    Lets you shorten the URL you want to send to your contacts. SMS Messages have a character limit. With this feature, you can shorten the URL and use the remaining space for your content.

    If you want to add a parameter to the link, first shorten it, then add the parameter.

    For more information, see Procedure​.

    Content Creation​




    Displays the number of characters that are included in the SMS message currently and the number of characters that remain.

    ​SMS Messages ​

    Displays the number of SMS messages that are required for sendout. Mapp Engage concatenates SMS messages that exceed the character limit for a single SMS message. This method splits messages into as many as three smaller messages. The receiving device reassembles the message parts. Instead of three separate messages, the recipient sees a single text message.

    Some mobile carriers do not support concatenated SMS. Most mobile carriers charge the subscriber for every SMS, even if message parts are assembled into one SMS on the device screen.


    Displays the number of characters that are available before a new SMS message is required for sendout.

    You are billed for every SMS you send, even if the SMS messages are reassembled after delivery.

    If the SMS contains personalisation placeholders or Mapp Engage Variables, the character count is not accurate. The variable or placeholder is replaced during sendout. Each personalized SMS message has a different final character count.




    ​Save as Draft​

    Saves the message as a draft. You can return to a draft message to edit it later. To access an overview of all draft messages on your system, click ​Messages​ Draft​.


    Opens the​ Message Preview​ window. This window offers you several ways to preview and test your message before sendout.

    For more information, see ​Email Message Preview (window)​

    ​Prepare Sendout​

    Opens step ​3. Configuration​ of the message creation wizard. Here you can select the sendout group and the channel in which Mapp Engage sends the email message. You can also apply a selection, and prepare other sendout settings.

    Advanced Options​



    ​SMS Encoding​

    Specifies the encoding that is used to transmit the message from Mapp Engage to the cellular network. The encoding that you select affects the number of characters your SMS can contain.

    For cellular communication, only 16-bit encoding allows special characters.

    Bit Size


    Single Message Maximum

    GSM 7-bit

    ISO 8859-1 or ISO 8859-15

    160 characters



    70 characters

    Related Topics​

    ​SMS Format and Encoding​
    ​Add Links to SMS​
    ​Add Personalization to SMS​
    ​Add Coupons to SMS​
    ​View SMS Statistics​

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