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Conversion Rate, Unique
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Shows the ratio of visitors to orders.
Calculation | Qty Orders [metric scope Visits] / Visitors * 100 |
If you use this metric together with time dimension, visitors are counted uniquely per time unit.
Because the metric scope "visit" is used, all orders in the visit are counted.
A user performs the following visits:
Days analysis (Visitors > Traffic)
Calculation of the conversion rate for 02-13
1 Order / 1 Visitor * 100 = 100
Months analysis (Visitors > Time > Months)
Calculation of the conversion rate
2 Orders / 1 Visitor * 100 = 200
Advertising Media Analysis (Marketing > Campaigns > Advertising Media)
The user in the example above is using different campaigns:
In campaign analyses, the standard attribution model is used. In the example it is "Last campaign wins".Calculation of the conversion rate for Campaign B
2 Orders / 1 Visitor * 100 = 200
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