Conversions - Last Click Activity
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    Conversions - Last Click Activity

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the main navigation, click ​Statistics > Group Messages > Email.

    2. Next to the desired message, click  View Statistics.

    Conversions - Last Click Activity​

    The radio button Last Click Activity ​calculates the conversion statistics on the basis primarily of the click activity of message recipients. With this setting, conversions are always attributed to the most recent click activity of the recipient. If no click activity can be found for a recipient who performed a conversion, the recipient's most recently opened message is used to calculate the conversion statistics (see Calculation of Conversions​). Thus, the calculations are based both on open and click data, but clicks are always preferred over opens.

    A comparative analysis is also provided that compares the number of conversions based on the message vs. the number of conversions from all sources.

    The radio button Last Click Activity is the standard setting for the calculation of conversion statistics.

    Bar Chart​

    All of the different conversion tracking included in the message are listed separately in the Conversions window.

    For each conversion tracking included in the message, the following data is graphically displayed in the bar chart:

    • Average Sales per Conversion: This bar represents the average total sales completed by recipient activities that resulted from the Conversion Tracking included in the message.
      The average sales per conversion are calculated as follows:

      Average Sales per Conversion = Total Sales (per Conversion per Message) / Conversions (Total)

    • Conversions (Total):  This bar represents the total number of conversions resulting from the message.

    • Conversions (Unique):  This bar represents the number of unique recipients who completed a conversion based on conversion tracking in the message.

    Print and Export Options​

    The following options are available:

    • Print: The drop-down list item ​Print prints the chart.

    • Export: The drop-down list item Export exports the chart as an image file.

    Per Message​

    All of the different conversion tracking included in the message are listed separately in the Conversions window.

    For each conversion tracking, Engage calculates statistics both for message-based conversions and for conversions from all sources.

    For information about how the statistics are calculated, see Calculation of Conversions.

    The following data is available pertaining to the Conversion Tracking contained in the specific message:

    • Conversions (Unique): This entry displays the number of unique recipients who completed this conversion based on conversion tracking contained in this message.

    • Conversions (Total): This entry displays the total number of conversions resulting from this message.

    • Total Sales: This entry displays the total amount of sales resulting from this message.

    • Conversion Rate: This entry displays the percentage of all recipients of this message who completed this particular conversion.

    This is calculated as follows:

    Conversion Rate = Conversions (Unique ) (per Conversion per Message) / Accepted messages​

    Per Conversion Tracking​

    All of the different conversion tracking included in the message are listed separately in the Conversions window.

    For each conversion tracking, Engage calculates statistics both for message-based conversions and for conversions from all sources.

    The following data is available about conversions from all sources:

    Page Impressions: This entry displays the total number of times this particular conversion was performed on the website. On a technical level, this means that the system counts the number of times that the tracking pixel inserted on the conversion page (e.g. the purchase confirmation page) is downloaded from the Mapp servers. The system does not distinguish between conversions performed by recipients in the Engage system, and external visitors (i.e. visitors not identified as recipients in the Engage system).

    Conversions system-wide: This entry displays the number of times this conversion was performed by a recipient registered in the Engage system. This includes all conversions resulting from this or any other message containing this particular conversion tracking. If you are using cookies-based tracking, this statistic also includes recipients who returned to the shop at a later time to complete this conversion. However, please note that cookies expire after 30 days (default setting). Conversions completed more than 30 days after message sendout therefore also cannot be tracked. Recipients may also clear or delete their cookies periodically, thus shortening the lifespan of the cookies.

    Total Sales: This entry displays the total amount of sales resulting from this conversion. This includes all sales resulting from this and any other message containing this particular conversion tracking. If you are using cookies-based tracking, this statistic also includes recipients who returned to the shop at a later time to complete this conversion. However, please note that cookies expire after 30 days (default setting). Conversions completed more than 30 days after message sendout therefore also cannot be tracked. Recipients may also clear or delete their cookies periodically, thus shortening the lifespan of the cookies.

    Campaign Share: This entry displays the percentage of all conversions which can be attributed to the message.

    The campaign share is calculated as follows:

    Campaign Share = Conversions (Total) (per Message per Conversion) / Conversions system-wide​

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