Coupon Lists Overview (window)
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    Coupon Lists Overview (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Content​ > ​Voucher Manager > Coupon​.
      ⇒ The ​Coupon Lists​ window opens to the ​Coupon Manager​ tab.

    Coupon Lists Overview (window)​

    Coupon lists in Engage are managed in the ​Coupon Lists Overview​ window. A coupon list contains the individual coupon codes that are added to a message and sent to recipients. A coupon code can be used to provide special discounts or other offers (see ​Coupon Manager​).

    The maximum length for each coupon code is 200 characters.

    Available Information (columns of the table)​

    • Name: This column displays the name of the coupon list. The name is always stored in lowercase letters and cannot contain empty spaces or special characters. Every coupon list must have a unique name. The name of the coupon list is used for identification purposes within the system and cannot be changed.

      The name of a coupon list cannot contain any spaces or underscores. Additionally, special characters and symbols can cause problems and are not recommended.

      For example, a list can be named birthdaycoupons. A list cannot be named birthday coupons or birthday_coupons.

    • Owner: This column displays the owner of the coupon list. Depending on how permissions are configured in the Engage system, either all coupon lists in the system are displayed, or just the lists that the user owns. The user who creates the coupon list is automatically designated as the owner of the list. List ownership can be reassigned (see ​Change the Owner of a Coupon List​).

    • Available Coupons: This column displays the unused coupons that are saved in the coupon list. When a coupon is used in an email, the number of available coupons decreases. New coupons can be added to an existing list at any time.

    • Last Updated: This column displays the most recent date on which coupons were added to the coupon list. If no coupons have been added to the list, the column displays the date on which the coupon list was created.

    Available Actions​

    • New Coupon List: This button opens the ​Create New Coupon List​ window. After the coupon list is created in this window, coupons are uploaded into the list from a TXT or CSV file.

    • Show: This drop-down list limits the display based on the status of the list. The following options are available:

      • Active: This list item displays all currently active coupon lists. Only active coupon lists can be used to add coupons to a message.

      • Archived: This list item displays all currently archived coupon lists. Archived coupon lists cannot be used to add coupons to a message. A coupon list must be archived before it can be deleted.

    It is not possible to add the placeholder of an archived coupon list to a message

    However, if a list that is still in use (for example, in a scheduled activity such as a birthday message) is archived after it was included in a message, coupons continue to be sent from the archived list as long as the supply of coupons lasts.

    If a message contains the placeholder for a list that is deleted, it is not possible to start the sendout.

    • Action: This menu displays the actions that are available for the coupon list:

      •   Edit: This item opens the selected coupon list in the ​Edit Coupon List​ window. In this window, it is possible to edit the description of the coupon list, configure an automatic reminder that is sent when a specified number of coupons remains in the list and specify what the system does when there are insufficient coupons in the list. The name of the coupon list is unique and cannot be edited.

      • Owner: This item opens the ​Change Owner​ window. It is possible to select a new owner for the coupon list in this window

      • Copy: This item copies the coupon list and opens the copy in the ​Create New Coupon List​ window. The copied list automatically has the name ​Copy of <name of the original list>​. This name should usually be edited. Every coupon list has a unique name. The coupons from the original coupon list are not copied.

      • Import: This item opens the ​Import Coupons​ window. A TXT or CSV file which contains coupons for use in messages is selected in this window.

    • Archive: This button archives the selected coupon lists. The check box at the end of the row selects the coupon list. The placeholder for an archived coupon lists cannot be added to a message. A coupon list must be archived before it can be deleted.

    • Reactivate: This button reactivates the selected coupon lists. Archived coupon lists are displayed when the ​Archived​ mode is selected from the ​Show​ drop-down list. The check box at the end of the row selects the coupon list.

    • Delete: This button deletes the selected coupon lists. A coupon list must be archived before it can be deleted. Archived coupon lists are displayed when the ​Archived​ mode is selected from the ​Show​ drop-down list. The check box at the end of the row selects the coupon list.

    If a sendout contains a placeholder for a deleted coupon list, the sendout fails or cannot be started.

    General Page Options

    • Remove filter: This button deactivates the filters that are currently active. All available coupon lists are once again displayed.

    • Filter: This button filters the displayed coupon lists according to the entered criteria.

    • Sort: The   arrows in the overview sort the contents of the column.

    • Number of visible rows: This drop-down list adjusts the number of messages displayed per page (10, 20, 50 or 100 messages).

    • Arrows: The (   ) arrows below the overview table are used to browse between pages. The arrows only appear when the number of available coupon lists exceeds the number of visible rows that is selected.

    • Select All: This checkbox selects all visible coupon lists. A selected coupon list can be archived, reactivated, or deleted.


    The​ Details​ area displays information about the coupon list that is currently selected. The selected coupon list is highlighted orange.

    • Description: This area displays a description of the coupon list, if one is available. Descriptions help to identify the coupon list. Descriptions are recommended if multiple coupon lists are in use on an Engage system.

    • Alternative Text: This area displays the text which replaces the coupon if the coupon list is empty. If no alternative text is entered, sendout pauses or cannot be started when no coupons are available.

    • Preview Text: This area displays the text which replaces the actual coupon in messages to test recipients and messages used as previews. Actual coupons from the coupon list are never used for test and preview messages. If no preview text is entered, default text is generated from the name of the list. For example, the default text for a coupon list named birthdaycoupons is birthdaycoupons_Preview Coupon.

    • Reminder: This area indicates whether an optional reminder is sent to the owner of the coupon list when a predefined number of coupons is reached (see ​Send a Reminder When Coupons Run Low​).

      • Off: This entry indicates that no reminder is sent.

      • <number> Coupons Left: This entry indicates that a reminder is sent when the number of coupons shown is reached.

    • ID: This area displays the ID of the coupon list. The ID is a unique number that is automatically assigned to the coupon list by Engage. The ID is used to identify the coupon list within the system and cannot be edited.

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