Barcode Generator
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    Barcode Generator

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    Article summary

    General Information

    The Barcode Generator converts data into barcodes (see Create New Barcode (window)​).

    Engage supports various barcode types and formats (see Supported Barcode Types​). The Barcode Generator can convert data from the following sources into a barcode:


    Marketing, branding, and advertising campaigns that incorporate barcodes have become increasingly common. The Barcode Generator simplifies the process of adding barcodes to email messages. A wide variety of barcodes can be generated from several data sources. Once created, barcodes are inserted into a message with a placeholder (see Add a Barcode to a Message​).

    The information stored in a barcode saves time and eliminates transcription errors. Two-dimensional barcodes, such as QR codes, can even store URL addresses. Barcodes let message recipients quickly and accurately access online content such as product information, videos, landing pages, or special offers.

    Integrating barcodes in messages​

    Barcodes are integrated into individual messages with a placeholder. They are generated from a coupon list, custom attribute, or data manually inputted on the user interface (see Create a New Barcode​).

    Depending on how the barcode is saved, the barcode placeholder is positioned at a specific point in the message with an Engage Variable (see ​Mapp Engage Variables​) or a Content Element (see Use a Content Element in an Email​).

    During sendout, the selected barcode or the Content Element replaces the placeholder.

    Track barcode coupons​

    Barcodes generated from a coupon list or custom attribute provide valuable tracking data that can be used to improve campaign effectiveness. When barcode coupons are generated from a coupon list or custom attribute, customer behavior is tracked from email to checkout, even if the final purchase is offline. This provides insight into the relationship between the recipient's online and offline shopping behavior (see Create a New Barcode​).

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