Create a Plain Text Email
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    Create a Plain Text Email

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    Article summary


    To create an email that contains only plain text.

    Background Information​

    In the message creation area, you can create HTML or plain-text emails. Plain text emails contain unformatted regular text. Some contacts prefer text messages. Other contacts require a text version because they have special needs. For example, individuals who use a screen reader that reads the text version aloud to them.

    Limitations of Plain Text Email


    The text part of the email cannot contain images, rich-text formats, or embedded hyperlinks. However, you can use special characters to add visual interest to your text.


    Links: In a plain text email, the entire URL of your links displays. If your links contain tracking parameters, the links can be long. To create shorter link URLs, use links without tracking parameters in the plain text version of your email.

    Some link tracking methods include a redirect to a Mapp Engage web address. In a plain text email, the web address is visible in the text of the message. For more information, see ​How Mapp Engage Measures Email Marketing Success​.


    Since plain text messages do not support tracking pixels, Mapp Engage cannot detect when a recipient opens the message. However, Mapp Engage can estimate the number of opens based on link tracking information for the message.


    We recommend that you create your plain text email in a text editor. Word processors such as Microsoft Word add additional rich formatting to the text that the plain-text email format does not support.

    Related Topics​


    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Create​ New > ​Message.
      Step ​1. Type​ opens.

    2. Enter message information and select ​Email​.

    3. Click ​Create​.
      Step ​2. Content​ opens.

    4. Click the ​Email (Text)​ tab.
      Enter, paste, or upload text in the composition window.

    5. Click ​Save as Draft​ to save your email or click ​Prepare Sendout​ to start or schedule sendout.

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