Create a System User
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    Create a System User

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    Article summary


    ​To create a system user. You can also create a manager.


    You must be assigned user management permission.


    1. In the ​Top Navigation​, click  > Settings.
      ⇒ The ​Account​ window opens.

    2. Click ​User Management​.
      ⇒ The ​User Management​ window opens.

    3. Click the ​Create User​ button.
      ⇒ The ​Create System User​ window appears.

    4. Complete the input fields and select options from the drop-down lists as indicated in the table.

      Input Field



      From the drop-down list, select the group that you want to assign the system user. The user group determines the scope of work the system user is permitted to perform.

      ​First Name​

      Enter the first name of the system user.

      ​Last Name​

      Enter the last name of the system user.

      ​Email Address​

      Enter the email address of the system user.

      ​Send Password To​

      Enter the email address where the password for this system user is sent.


      Select the ​User Management​ check box to enable this system user to view, edit, and delete other system users.

    5. Click the ​Create User​ button to create the system user based on your entries.
      ⇒ The ​User Management​ window appears. The newly created system user is displayed in the list of system users under ​Approved Users​.

    Related Topics​

    ​Create a Manager​
    ​Create a User Group​

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