Create Audience (window)
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    Create Audience (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click  .
      ⇒ The ​ Custom Audience​ window opens.

    2. Click the ​Create Audience​ button.
      ⇒ The ​ Create Audience​ window opens.


    Capture information about visitors who engage in the web activity you specify here. You can include a wide range of activities that pull data from the entire Internet.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Specify the platform that you want to send data to.

    • Specify the first-, second-, and third-party conditions used to build the audience.

    • Set an audience to be updated in real-time with new users active on your website who match the audience profile.

    • Preview audience performance to see if the audience specification is on target to capture the business or campaign data you want.




    ​Show Preview​

    Displays an estimated performance for this audience. A summary of the conditions that govern the data collection is also shown. This preview gives you an idea of the usefulness of the audience. It also indicates how you can adjust conditions to broaden your reach.

    ​Create Audience​

    Creates a custom audience that is based on your entries. It provides a preliminary estimate of your audience size and pushes the audience to the specified platform for live data collection.


    Cancels your entries and opens the ​ Custom Audience​ window.




    ​Audience Name​

    Enter the name that you want the audience to have.

    ​Select Platform​

    Select the desired platform from the drop-down list. The options correspond to the platforms that were integrated with your Acquire platform.

    ​Real-Time Matching​

    Indicates if the audience was enabled or is ineligible for real-time matching.

    To locate a desired condition faster, enter a search term to view all the conditions that match the string.


    Select the periods of time for which you want to capture the visitor data for this audience. The time zone for Acquire is UTC.

    • Time of Day:​ Specifies a custom event of the day during which data is collected. Options include before, after, and between any hours of the day.

    • Recency:​ Specifies how recent the display of collected data is: the last 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days.

    • Weekday:​ Specifies the weekday or a range of weekdays during which data is collected.


    Select the geographical conditions visitors must fulfill at the time they access the web to add them to this audience. These options help you build a region-specific audience.

    • Country:​ Specifies the countries where visitor traffic is or is not to take place to add visitor data to the audience.

    • Postal Code:​ Specifies the postal codes where traffic is or is not to take place to add the visitor data to the audience.

    • Region:​ Specifies the regions where visitor traffic must or must not take place to add visitor data to this audience.

    ​Contextual ​

    Select the contextual data the visitor traffic must match for the visitor data to build the audience.

    • Domain:​ Specifies the domains in which data is or is not collected to build this audience.

    • ​Referrer URL:​ Specifies text that the referrer URL is or is not to contain for data to be collected to build this audience.

    • URL:​ Specifies the text that the URL is or is not to contain for data to be collected to build this audience.


    Select what visitor activity must occur to build the audience with the corresponding visitor data.

    • Clicks:​ Specifies the number of clicks a unique visitor must make before the visitor data is added to the audience. You can specify the number of clicks as a minimum, maximum, or range.

    • Hover:​ Specifies the duration a unique visitor must hover over a creative to add the visitor data to the audience. You can specify the duration as a minimum, maximum, or range. Units are milliseconds or seconds. The hover data is collected through the impression tracker, which tracks which users hovered over an ad.

    • Impressions:​ Specifies the number of impressions a unique visitor must see to have the visitor data is added to this audience. You can specify a minimum, maximum, or range. It could be any creative.

    • Page Scroll:​ Specifies the extent that the visitor scrolls a page for the visitor data to be added to this audience. Options include scrolling half a page or to the end of the page.

    • ​Page Views:​ Specifies the number of page views a unique visitor must request before the visitor data is added to this audience. You can specify a minimum, maximum, or range.

    • Time on Page:​ Specifies the duration that a unique visitor must spend on a web page before the visitor data is added to the audience. You can specify the duration as a minimum, maximum, or range. Possible values are 5, 10, or 30 seconds and 1, 2, or 3 minutes.

    • ​Webform Interaction:​ Specifies what interaction a visitor must perform in a web form before the visitor data is added to the audience. You can specify one of three interactions.

      • ​Form Field Click​

      • ​Form Field Focus​

      • ​Form Field Keydown​

    ​Data Collection​

    Specify the data collections whose visitor data you want to use to filter the other conditions that are specified for this audience. Your choice pinpoints visitor activity for specific regions or time intervals that is based on an existing set of visitors.

    • ​Custom Success Event:​ Specifies that you want your audience to include, or exclude, visitors that the selected custom success events captured.

    • Pixel:​ Specifies that you want your audience to include, or exclude, visitors that the selected pixels captured.

    • Custom Event:​ Specifies that you want your audience to include, or exclude, visitors that the selected custom events captured.


    Specify a custom condition that you want to use to build this audience. The options that appear reflect the custom data that you loaded into the software through the API.

    ​3rd Party Data​

    Select the third parties whose data you want to merge with the conditions that are specified to build this audience. You must have an agreement with the third party you select to use their data.





    Shows the estimated reach of your audience. The value is cross-platform and includes users and impressions (pixels).

    • The symbol    reflects the number of unique visitors that fulfilled the criteria that were specified for the audience.

    • The symbol   reflects total visits that are made. Single visitors able to interact with multiple pixels.


    Displays your audience performance by device: desktop, tablet, and mobile.


    Lists the conditions under which this audience was collected.

    ​Percentage of Users​

    Displays the proportion of users in your audience per condition. You can quickly see which conditions serve to limit the size of your audience.


    Displays the estimated number of audience members for each country you click.

    Related Topics​

    ​Configure an On-Site Custom Event​
    ​Configure an On-Site Custom Success Event

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