Create Group Attributes
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    Create Group Attributes

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    Article summary


    To create a group attribute


    The group for which the attribute is created exists in Mapp Engage.

    Background Information​

    Group attributes are identical for all members of a group. You can create group attributes manually on the Mapp Engage interface, or during data import.


    To Manually Create a Group Attribute on the Mapp Engage Interface

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Audience > Group Management > Groups.

    2. Click ​Group Attributes​ next to the group for which you want to create a group attribute.
      ⇒ The ​Group Attributes​ window opens.

    3. Click ​New Group Attribute​.
      ⇒ The ​Create New Group Attribute​ window opens.

    4. In the​ Group Attribute Name​ field, enter the name of the new attribute. The maximum name length is 80 characters. The name is not case-sensitive. To avoid processing issues, do not use not empty spaces or special characters in the attribute name.

    5. In the ​Group Attribute Value​ field, enter the value of the group attribute. This value is identical for all members of the group. The maximum length that you can store in a group attribute is 2000 characters.

    6. To create the group attribute, click ​Create Group Attribute​.
      ⇒ The ​Group Attributes​ window opens and the newly created attribute displays.
      The attribute value is valid for all members of the group and can be used for sendout to this group.

    To Create a Group Attribute with an XML or CSV File Import

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Audience > Group Management > Groups​.

    2. Click ​Group Attributes​ next to the group for which you want to create a group attribute.
      ⇒ The ​Group Attributes​ window opens.

    3. Click ​Import Group Attribute​
      ⇒ The ​Group Attribute Import​ window opens.

    4. Choose the CSV or XML file that contains the attributes you want to import.
      For more information, see ​XML Format for Group Attribute Imports​.
      In CSV files, use the attribute reference group.CustomAttribute['name'] to create your group attributes.

    5. From the ​File Type​ drop-down list, define whether the file that is imported is a CSV or XML file.

    6. From the ​Character set of File​ drop-down list, select the character set in which the file is saved.

      Mapp Engage cannot recognize the character set of a file automatically. If you define the wrong character set, the imported data can display incorrectly. Definition of an incorrect character set can cause loss of data on your system.

    7. From the ​Synchronization Mode​ drop-down list, select the mode Mapp Engage uses to add the new attributes:
      ​Add:​ Adds new data only. Group attributes that existed in the system previously remain unchanged. No data is overwritten.
      Update:​ Updates group attributes that exist in the system. Does not add any new attributes. Data can be overwritten.
      ​Add and Update:​ Adds new attributes and updates group attributes that exist in the system.
      Replace:​ Deletes the group attributes that currently exist in the group and adds the attributes that Mapp Engage imports.
      Delete: ​Removes group attributes from the group that correspond to the import file. Attributes in the group that are not imported remain unchanged.

    8. When you import a CSV file, you can define the separator that Mapp Engage uses to divide the individual data sets in the file. The default separator character is a comma.

    9. To begin your import, click ​Upload​.
      ⇒ The ​Import Group Attributes​ window closes. Mapp Engage sends status messages that contain information about the progress of the import. When the import finishes, you receive an email with detailed information about the import.

    Create a Group Attribute During Import of an XML File

    1. Choose the XML file with which you would like to import recipients and define group attributes.
      For a general description of the necessary structure of this XML file, see ​XML Format for Contact Imports​.
      The structure for group import is located here: XML Format for Group Attribute Imports​.

    - or -

    1. Create an XML file for structuring group attributes (see XML Format for Group Attribute Imports​).

    2. Import the data manually (see ​Import Contacts), or schedule an automatic file import (see Automation​).
      The attribute value is valid for all members of the group and can be used for sendout to this group.

    Create a Group Attribute During Import of a CSV File.

    1. For a general description of the necessary structure of this CSV file, please see CSV Format for Contact Imports​.

    2. In the first line, the head of the data set, define which attribute is created and filled with data.
      Tag the group attribute with "group.CustomAttribute['name']".

    3. Replace 'name' with the name under which the new group attribute is stored in the system.

    4. Import the data manually or schedule an automatic import of the file. For more information, see ​Import Contacts and Automation​.

      The maximum number of new group attributes in the file import is 1000.

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