Create New Landing Page
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    Create New Landing Page

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    Article summary


    To create and publish a new landing page.


    1. In the ​Main Navigation​ menu, click ​Content Management​ > ​Landing Pages​.
      ⇒ The window ​CMS Landing Pages Overview​ opens.

    2. Click ​New Landing Page​ .
      ⇒ The window ​Create Landing Page​ opens.
      The wizard begins in step ​1. Basic Settings​ .

    3. In the input field ​Name​, enter a name for the landing page in the system.
      This name is only used to identify the name of the landing page within the Engage system. A name is mandatory.

    4. If necessary, enter a description of the landing page.
      The description helps to more clearly identify the landing page. A description is optional.

    5. From the drop-down list ​Domain​, select the domain for the landing page.
      The domains available are the domains of your Engage system.
      If only one domain is defined for your system, this field is automatically filled.

    6. In the input field ​Page Name​ , enter a name for the landing page.
      The page name is used to create the landing page URL and must be unique.
      The page name cannot contain any empty or special characters.

    7. Click ​Next​.
      ⇒ The wizard opens step ​2. Build & Design​.

    8. Create the landing page with the code editor, the graphical HTML editor, or the HTML import function.

    9. Click ​Next​.
      ⇒ The wizard opens step ​3. Publish​.

    10. In the ​Publish​ area, define when the landing page will be published.
      The following options are available:

      • Publish immediately: The landing page is published as soon as the button ​Publish​ is clicked.

      • Schedule publishing date and time: The system automatically publishes the landing page at a defined date and time. The publication date must be earlier than the expiration date. The landing page is only scheduled for publication when the button ​Publish​ is clicked.
        Define the date and time of publication in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss using the  symbol.

    11. In the area ​Expires on​, select when the landing page should be automatically unpublished by the system.
      The following options are available:

      • Landing page never expires: The landing page is never deactivated by the system. The page is published and accessible until it is manually deactivated.

      • Schedule expiration date and time: The system automatically deactivates the landing page at a defined date and time. The expiration date must be after the publication date.
        Define the date and time of expiration in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss using the  symbol.

    12. In the input field ​After redirection, redirect to URL​ , you can optionally enter a different URL to which the visitor is redirected when the landing page is deactivated.
      The redirect is only active when the landing page has already been deactivated at least once. The redirect is automatically deactivated when the landing page is deleted.

    13. Click ​Publish​.
      The landing page is published immediately, or at the scheduled time.
      - or -
      Click the button ​Save & Close​ .
      The landing page is saved with the status ​deactivated​ and is not published, regardless of the settings under ​Publish.​

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