Create New Record (window)
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    Create New Record (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the Main Navigation​, click ​User Management​ > ​Permissions> Credentials.

    2. Click ​Create​.

      ⇒  The record creation window opens.

    The Create New Record window​

    In the Create New Record window, you create records to encrypt transferred data or connections to the CMS of an external Mapp Engage system. You specify the information required for a connection with an external infrastructure, including the server address, account name, and password.

    You have various options for encrypting transferred data (see ⇘ ​Credentials Options​).

    The appearance of the ​Create New Record​ window varies depending on the record type

    • Name: This input field defines the encryption. The system transmits the value entered here instead of the user names, passwords, user accounts, or CMS accounts to be encrypted. The encryption allows up to 50 alphanumeric characters. Capital letters are not allowed. The name of a record cannot be edited later. This input field is mandatory because the record name is always used to compile the relevant information for the transfer security placeholders. The record name must be unique regardless of the selected type.

    • Description: This input field is optional and only provided for easier record identification.

    • Type: This input field defines the record type.
      The following types are available:

      • User Name: The ​User Name​ type encrypts the user names entered.

      • User Password: The ​User Password​ type encrypts the user passwords entered.

      • User Account: The ​User Account​ type encrypts all data related to the user account entered, including the user name and password. It is the most secure option for encrypting sensitive user data.

      • CMS Account: The ​CMS Account​ type grants access to the CMS of an external Mapp Engage system.

      • FTP Server: The ​FTP Server​ type grants access to a third-party FTP infrastructure.

      • Rest endpoint: The ​Rest endpoint​ type grants access to a third-party API endpoint or HTTP source.

      • Token Certificate Account: The ​Token Certificate Account​ type retrieves a temporary token for API communication.

    • Cancel: This button cancels the creation of the record. All changes are lost.

    • Save: This button saves the record that is created. Once saved, the defined record is immediately active and available for use.

    User Name Type​

    The ​User Name​ type encrypts the user names entered.

    The following entries are required to define this record:

    • User Name: This input field defines the user to be encrypted. The value that is entered in the ​Name​ field replaces this user name.

    User Password Type​

    The ​User Password​ type encrypts the user passwords entered.

    The following entries are required for the definition of a record with the ​User Password​ type:

    • Password: This input field defines the password to be encrypted.

    • Confirm Password: This input field validates the password. Both passwords must be identical. The value that is entered in the ​Name​ field replaces the password.

    User Account Type​

    The ​User Account​ type encrypts the user account, including the user name and password. It is the most secure option for encrypting sensitive user data.

    The following entries are required for the definition of a record with the ​User Account​ type:

    • User Name: This input field defines the user to be encrypted.

    • Password: This input field defines the password for the entered user to be encrypted.

    • Confirm Password: This input field validates the password. Both passwords must be identical. The value entered in the ​Name​ field replaces the password and user name.

    CMS Account Type​

    The ​CMS Account​ type grants access to the CMS of an external Mapp Engage system.

    For more information, see Import CMS Messages​.

    Only one active record with the CMS Account​ type can be saved. If a record with the type CMS Account​ exists, either edit or archive and delete the existing record

    The following entries are required for the definition of a record with the ​CMS Account​ type:

    • URL: This input field defines the URL of the external Mapp Engage system.
      The URL must conform to the following structure: ​​.

    • User Name: This input field defines the user name of the account created to interface with the external Mapp Engage system.

    • Password: This input field defines the password of the user entered in the ​User Name​ input field.

    • Confirm Password: This input field detects the value entered in the ​Password​ field and validates the password.

    FTP Server Type​

    The ​FTP Server​ type grants access to a third-party ftp server.

    In accordance with the latest security standards, Mapp supports Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). Secure File Transfer Protocol is a secure way to transfer files with the SSH protocol.

    The following entries are required to define a record with the ​FTP Server​ type.

    • File Location: This input field defines the path for the FTP server. The file location format is sftp://servername/path.

    • Account name: This input field defines the account name created to interface with the FTP server.

    • Password: This input field defines the account password entered in the ​Account Name​ input field.

    • Confirm Password: This input field detects the value entered in the ​Password​ field and validates the password.

    Rest Endpoint Type​

    The ​Rest Endpoint​ type grants access via API to a specific URL.

    The following entries are required to define a record with the ​API Endpoint​ type.

    • Path (exact URL of the endpoint:) This input field defines the path to the API endpoint. This path uses the format server_name/folder/folder, for example, servername/contacts/imports. However, if you’re setting up an endpoint for Mapp Connect as an HTTP source, you don’t need to give the entire file path here, just the main path, like When configuring the import within the integration, you can set up the URL with the file path.

    • Account name: This input field defines the account name created to interface with the FTP server.

    • Password: This input field defines the account password entered in the ​Account Name​ input field.

    • Confirm Password: This input field detects the value entered in the ​Password​ field and validates the password.

    Token Certificate Account Type​

    The ​Token Certificate Account​ type obtains a temporary token for API communication.

    The following entries are required to define a record with the ​Token Certificate Account​ type.

    Request the complete information for the token certificate account from your service provider.

    • Path (URL of API for obtaining token): This input field defines the path to the API endpoint where the token will be obtained.
      This path uses the format server_name/folder/folder, for example, servername/contacts/imports.

    • User Key (user identifier): Enter the user key (ID) for the user to access the API. This input field defines the name of the account created to interface with the FTP server.

    • API Key: This input field defines the API key.

    • XPath to token in response body: This input field defines the path to the token, for example //[local-name()='AuthToken']//text().

    • Request Body: Enter the contents of the request.

    The Response Body will be displayed after clicking Test Connection if all entries are correct.​

    Amazon S3 Account​

    Find details here.

    Google Storage Account​

    Find details here.

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