Create Related Data Set
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    Create Related Data Set

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    Article summary


    To create a new related data set in the Mapp Engage system. A related data set is used to save data in Mapp Engage within Related Data.

    The number of Related Data Sets is limited. If you reach the limit of Related Data Sets, a message appears.


    The Related Data function has been activated on your Mapp Engage System.

    You have permission to create related data sets:

    • You have permission to view and change your own related data sets: ​Permission 150 system_view_edit_own_related_data​.

    • You have permission to view and change all related data sets: ​Permission 153 system_edit_all_related_data​.


    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Administration​ > ​Attributes.​

    2. Click the ​Related Data​ tab.
      ⇒ The ​Related Data Overview​ window opens.

    3. Click the ​New Related Data Set​ button.
      ⇒ The ​Create New Related Data Set​ window opens.

    4. Enter a name for the related data set in the ​Name​ input field. The name may only consist of letters, numbers, and dashes. Spaces or special characters cause an error because the name is used for identification in several system processes.

    5. If necessary, enter a short description of the data in the ​Description​ field. This description avoids confusion when there are many different related data sets stored in the system.

    6. From the ​Linked User Attribute​ list, select which attribute the related data set is linked to, if any.
      For example, you could link the data set Purchase History with the user ID attribute. Mapp Engage uses the user ID that is saved in the attributes to recognize automatically which data that is saved in the related data set is associated with which recipient.
      Depending on the scenario, you can also create a related data set that is not linked to any attribute.

    7. Under ​Table Behavior​, you can select whether each key exists only once in the table (unique), or whether keys can appear more than once (non-unique). Make this selection based on the type of related data set. For example, when customer IDs are the key for a table of customer contact data, each customer ID is unique. When customer IDs appear in a purchase history data set, the IDs are not unique, because every customer can complete multiple purchases.

    8. Click ​Save​.
      ⇒ The related data set is created and the ​Related Data Overview​ window opens. Before you can import data into the related data set, you must create the structure of the related data set (see ​Import Data: Create Columns of Related Data Sets During Import​).

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