Create Report (window)
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    Create Report (window)

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    Article summary

    In this window you define a new report. You can generate and download the report in the ​Reports Overview​ window.

    Engage offers a range of newer tools to track, measure and evaluate the success of your digital marketing.

    Navigation Path

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click Dashboard > ​Reports​.
      ⇒ The ​Reports Overview​ window opens

    2. Click the ​Create​ button
      ⇒The ​Create Report​ window opens

    Report type

    The fields in this window depend on the report type you are choosing.

    Reporting Period​

    In this area you select the reporting period. This is the time frame for which data is generated and exported.

    • Relative Time Period: Defines a reporting time period relative to the date when the report is generated. You can update up to 10 months of data prior to the generation date. Use this option if you want to generate your report multiple times to view ongoing data about your marketing activities in Engage.

      • Current: Export data for the current week or month.
        The reporting period for the current month starts on the first of the month and ends at the time when the report is generated.
        The reporting period for the current month starts on Sunday and ends at the time when the report is generated.

      • Last: Exports data for previous days or months.

    • Absolute Time Period: Defines a fixed reporting time period. The start date and end date of the reporting period are fixed calendar dates.
      Click the symbols to select the date from a calendar.

    Reporting Granularity​

    In this area you can select the level of detail in the report. Data is generated daily, weekly or monthly.

    Select a larger granularity to consolidate data and generate a smaller file. Select daily granularity for a closer look at the data.

    Select Report Data​

    • Data Available for Export: The items in this field are not included in the export. Click the  symbol to move items to the ​Data Selected for Export​ field to include them in the export.

    • Data Selected for Export: The items in this field are currently included in the export. Click the  symbol to remove items from the export.

    The name of the data item in the user interface may not match the name in the export file. The export file contains some default items. Not all items in the export file can be selected or deselected on the user interface.

    Related Topics​

    ​Categorized Member Report​
    ​Categorized Message Report​
    ​Group Report​
    ​Member Report​
    ​Message Report (Tracking or Sendout Based)​
    ​User Report​

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