Custom Success Event (tab)
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    Custom Success Event (tab)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​ Main Navigation​, click .
      ⇒ The​ Data Collection Overview​ window opens.

    2. Click the Configure​ button by the desired pixel.
      ⇒ The ​Configure On-Site​ window opens.

    3. Click the ​ +Add​ tab and select the ​Custom Success Event​ option.
      ⇒ A tab opens where you configure the new custom success event.


    Collect data about web traffic and visitors who trigger an event you define that corresponds to a business goal. You can collect geographical and device data as well to gain a clear picture of your visitors and customer base.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Specify conditions under which data is collected for this custom success event and the click event that increments your custom success event count.

    • Assign a monetary value to each occurrence of the targeted event.

    • Populate pixels on an external network or advertiser platform with the visitors that were captured with this custom success event.




    ​All Pages​

    Collects data from all web pages of the website the on-site pixel is placed on.

    ​Clicked on Any Ad​

    Includes information on visitors who clicked any ad in the website the on-site pixel is placed on.

    ​Day of Week ​

    Collects web traffic that occurs on the days that are specified.

    ​Page Text​

    Specifies text that web pages must contain or cannot contain to collect visitor and web traffic data. Text in iframes is not checked.

    ​Page Title​

    Specifies the title text that web pages must contain or cannot contain to collect the associated visitor and web traffic data.

    ​Pages Viewed​

    Collects associated visitor and web traffic data only when the specified number of pages is viewed during one visit.

    ​Referrer URL​

    Collects associated visitor and web traffic data only when the visitor comes from the specified URL or from a URL that contains the specified string.

    ​Time on Page​

    Collects associated visitor and web traffic data only when the specified visit duration on a page is satisfied.

    ​Time on Site​

    Collects associated visitor and web traffic data only when the specified visit duration on a website is satisfied.


    Collects the URL the visitor visited when the URL contains, or does not contain, the specified text string.

    Advanced Condition


    ​Ajax Click​

    Collects data when a visitor clicked a specific element within a page and did not leave the page.


    Collects data when the specified string matches a text string in the cookie.

    ​Page Source​

    Collects data when the specified string matches text in the page where the event took place.

    ​Product Price​

    Collects data when the specified minimum or maximum price appears on the page.




    ​Custom Success Event Name​

    Enter a name for the custom success event that reflects the business objective you want to capture data about.

    ​Assign Value​

    Enter the monetary value that you want to assign to each occurrence of the targeted event.


    Select the check box to activate an expiration period within which a visitor must respond to count the event as a custom success event. You can specify the expiration period in minutes, hours, or days.


    Select the option for how custom success events are counted per user.

    • ​Count all custom success events per user​

    • Count one custom success event per user​

    • Count:​ Specify the number of custom success events per user and a time frame in minutes, hours, or days.

    ​Trigger External Pixels (optional)​

    Check the ​Select External Pixels​ box to specify the pixels of the external platform you want visitors to populate that this custom event captures.


    Specify the network or advertiser platform where the pixel that you want to populate resides. The drop-down list includes the platforms that are integrated with your software. The platform that you select determines the drop-down lists and fields that open for you to specify the external pixel.

    • AppNexus:​ To populate a pixel on the AppNexus platform.

    • Google Display & Video 360:​ To populate a pixel on the Google Display platform.

    • ​Google Ads:​ To populate a pixel on the Google Ads platform.

    • Custom:​ To populate a pixel on a custom platform.


    Click to create an external pixel on the specified platform.


    Click to cancel your entries.


    Enter a string to search for an external pixel within your account on the specified platform.

    ​Create New Conversion Pixel​

    Enter two or more characters to search for a specific advertiser.


    Enter the name of the external pixel you would like to create and click ​ Create​.


    For a custom platform, specify the URL where your image, script, or iframe resides.

    ​JavaScript without <script> tag​

    Enter the JavaScript you want to insert into the specified image, script, or iframe.





    Lists the conditions that you can add to the query to specify what data to collect.


    Lists the field to name the conversion and the check box to populate external pixels.

    ​Attribution Post Click​

    Indicates that the monetary tally is incremented after the targeted event is clicked.


    Allows you to specify when the targeted event is added to total achieved outcomes.

    ​Trigger External Pixels (optional)​

    Opens supplementary input fields and drop-down lists to specify an external platform and external pixel to populate with the visitors that are collected by this conversion.

    Related Topics​

    ​Configure an On-Site Custom Success Event​

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