Deactivated Contacts (window)
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    Deactivated Contacts (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the main navigation​, click ​Audience​ > ​Deactivated​.

    2. From the ​Group​ drop-down list, select a group.

    3. In the ​Actions​ column, click the  symbol. The ​Deactivated Contacts​ window opens


    This window displays a list of contacts who are deactivated in a group for a selected response category.





    Reactivates the selected contact. After reactivation, the contact receives messages from this group on all available channels (email, SMS, and mobile push).

    Note: This action reactivates the contact for this group only. The contact is still deactivated system-wide. To reactivate the contact system-wide, select the additional ​Reactivate System-wide Deactivated Contacts​ check box.


    This item permanently deletes the selected contact from the group. Contact-specific data that is stored in the member attributes for this group is also deleted. Only the group membership is deleted. The contact profile is still stored in the system. A system message displays to confirm the deletion.


    Opens the ​Export Contact Data​ window. You can download a list of all deactivated contacts. The ​List Type​ is automatically set to export ​Deactivated​ contacts.





    Shows the email address of the deactivated contact.

    ​# Deactivation​

    Shows the number of times the respective email address generated a response.

    ​Response Class​

    The response class provides general information about why the delivery of a message was not successful. For more information, see Responses​.

    ​Response Category​

    Response categories provide more detailed information about the response. This information helps determine how to handle deactivation correctly. For detailed information, see Responses​.

    Change Display Options​




    Filters the entries according to the values in the filter fields. It is possible to combine multiple filter criteria.

    ​ Remove Filter​

    Removes all filters and displays all available entries.

    ​Visible Rows​

    Changes the number of rows that are displayed per page.

    Navigates to the next or previous page of results. The arrows appear when not all entries can be displayed on one page.

    Related Topics​


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