Define a Raw or Simplified Data Export for SMS
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    Define a Raw or Simplified Data Export for SMS

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    Article summary


    To define and save a new Simplified Data Export or Raw Data Export for analysis in an external tool. The export file contains data relevant to SMS messages.


    • An FTP server on which to store your export file and the correct address and password.

    • An external tool for analysis of the raw data (for example, a CRM tool).

    Background Information​

    Simplified Data Exports are similar to Raw Data Exports. Both export raw data about individual activities for further processing. However, Simplified Data Exports only export the first instance of each event you select (for example, the first click). By contrast, a Raw Data Export includes every instance of each selected event (for example, all clicks).

    A simplified data export helps you analyze which contacts interacted with your message. A Raw Data Export helps you analyze the behavior of your contacts and how they interacted with your messages.

    Not all data available for export is relevant for SMS messages. Tracking data (renders and clicks), forwards and conversions are not available for SMS.

    The following table shows you which sendout data is relevant for SMS messages. In addition, you can of course also export group and contact data.

    Recommended Export Data for SMS Messages

    Export Area

    Type of Data


    Sent to MTA


    Shows the time when the message was transferred the first time to the Mapp MTA in preparation for sendout to the MTA of the contact.

    Sendout Channel

    Shows the channel used for sendout. The following channels are possible: email or mobile.



    Shows the time when the recipient was skipped in the message sendout. Skipped messages are sorted out before sendout for a variety of reasons (for example, the address is deactivated system-wide). These messages never leave the Mapp infrastructure.


    Shows the reason why the message was skipped. Shows the reason why the message was skipped.

    For example, it could be that there was no mobile number stored for a contact, or a contact was on a blacklist.

    For more information, see ​Skip Categories in Exports​.



    Shows the time when the message generated a bounce response.

    For SMS, a bounce is produced when SAP (the mobile aggregator) informs Mapp Engage that it did not deliver an SMS message.


    Shows the category of the bounce.

    The following categories are possible:

    • Transient: This can include the following: A temporary operator network error. A temporary time-out during delivery. The mobile subscriber is out of mobile credit.

    • Blocked: The carrier (e.g. Verizon) refuses to deliver the message. For example, the subscriber has reached his or her monthly SMS limit.

    • Rejected: This is a permanent notification that your SMS messages will not be delivered to this number. Possible reasons include the following: The mobile subscriber does not want to receive messages from you. The phone settings prevent contact from unknown numbers. SAP could not find a subscriber at the given mobile number.

    • Spam: The subscriber has explicitly requested not to receive further messages. Certain types of SMS content can also result in a spam warning.
      Mapp Engage immediately deactivates mobile numbers that produce a spam notification.


    Shows the automated notification-message that SAP (the mobile aggregator) sent to Mapp Engage about a delivery problem. Mapp Engage shows the first 1,000 characters of the notification text.


    1. In the main navigation​, click ​ Data Management​  >  ​Exports​  > Create.

    2. Define the type and name of your export and click ​Next​. 

    3. Define the desired time frame and click  Next . For more information, see ​2. Time Frame​.

    4. Define for which messages event data is exported and click  Next . For more information, see ​3. Parameters​.

    5. Define which event data is included in the export (see above) and click Next. For more information, see ​4. Event Data​.

    6. Select additional types of data for your export and click  Next . For more information, see ​5. Other Data​.

    7. Define file format and output options for your export and specify the server address to which the export file is saved. Click Next. For more information, see ​6. Export Configuration​.

    8. This window provides a summary of the export settings. Check the summary to ensure that the settings are correct. Click on previously viewed tabs or use the ​Back​ button to make changes. Click Save. For more information, see ​7. Summary​.
      Your export configuration is saved and appears in the  ​Exports Overview​  window.

    Once defined in the wizard, the export settings are stored in the system.

    There are two ways to generate the export file in Mapp Engage:

    Related Topics​

    ​Simplified Data Export​
    ​Raw Data Exports
    SMS Messaging​

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