Delete a Split Sendout
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    Delete a Split Sendout

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    Article summary


    To delete a scheduled split sendout.

    - or -

    To delete a main sendout that takes place after a split message sendout. The split message sendout has already taken place.

    Background Information​

    In a split sendout, multiple versions of a draft email message are sent to a portion of your total recipient list in order to identify the highest-performing version. For more information, see Split Sendouts​.

    It is possible to delete the sendout of a scheduled split test either

    • before any split messages are sent, or

    • after the split messages are sent but before the main sendout is sent.

    By deleting (as opposed to canceling) the split sendout, statistics for sent split messages are deleted as well.


    • Two or more message variations have been used to set up a split sendout test (see Test Multiple Email Message Variants (A/B Test)​). The time and date for the split sendout have been scheduled.

    • You hold the permission for deleting messages (Permission ​627: Campaigns: Delete messages​).


    1. In the ​Main Navigation​ menu, click ​Message > Outbox > Email​.
      ⇒ The ​Processed Messages Overview​ window opens. The split sendout messages are identified with the label ​Split Test​ in the ​Type​ column.

    2. Next to any of the message variations scheduled to be included in the split test, click the filter symbol  .
      ⇒ The outbox is filtered and displays all versions that are a part of the planned split test.

    3. Click ​Delete Split Sendout​.
      ⇒ If the split messages have not been sent, the split sendout is canceled and will not take place at the scheduled time. If the split messages have been sent but not the main sendout, the main sendout is canceled and cannot be rescheduled. Message statistics for sent split messages are also deleted.
      The entry for the split message is deleted from the ​Processed Messages Overview​ window.
      The draft messages included in the deleted split sendout remain stored in Mapp Engage. The messages can be viewed and edited in the ​Draft Messages Overview​ window. They can still be used for future sendouts (split sendouts or normal sendout).

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