Device Analysis (tab)
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    Device Analysis (tab)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the main navigation, click Statistics​ > Group Messages >  Email.

    2. In the ​Actions column, click  View Statistics or the  symbol.

    3. In the  Recipient Activity area, click ​View Details  -or-  Click ​Recipient Activity.

    4. Click Device Analysis. The Device Analysis ​ opens a visual graph of the total confirmed opens and total clicks on different devices.


    This tab provides information about the total number of confirmed opens and total clicks of a message on different devices.

    What can I do in this window?

    • View the distribution of confirmed opens and total clicks on different devices.

    • Determine whether you need to adapt your campaigns to contacts who read your messages on mobile devices.

    • Print the chart

    • Export the chart as an image file


    If a recipient opens or clicks a message more than once, Mapp Engage includes all opens and clicks in the calculations. This is true even if the recipient opens the message on different devices.

    Distribution of Total Confirmed Opens



    ​Confirmed Opens​

    According to the EEC, Confirmed Opens​ represents the total number of times a message is displayed (whether fully opened or within the preview pane). Confirmed opens include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed; the recipient clicked a link, or both. (Some recipients may open the message with images suppressed and not click any link. In these cases, the open cannot be counted.)

    ​Opened on Desktop​

    Displays the number and percentage of messages opened on a desktop device.

    The open rate for desktop devices is calculated as follows:

    Opened on desktop = Confirmed opens on desktop / Confirmed opens in the sendout

    ​Opened on Tablet​

    Displays the number and percentage of messages opened on a tablet device.

    The open rate for tablet devices is calculated as follows:

    Opened on tablet = Confirmed opens on tablet / Confirmed opens in the sendout

    ​Opened on Mobile Device​

    Displays the number and percentage of messages opened on a mobile device.

    The open rate for mobile devices is calculated as follows:

    Opened on mobile device = Confirmed opens on a mobile device / Confirmed opens in the sendout

    ​Opened on Unknown Platform​

    Displays the number and percentage of messages opened on a device that the system could not identify.

    The open rate for unknown devices is calculated as follows:

    Opened on unknown platform = Confirmed opens on an unknown platform / Confirmed opens in the sendout

    Due to changes in email clients' data privacy policies, more and more devices cannot be adequately identified. For more information, see Mapp Engage: Change in Device Analysis Categorization due to Apple Mail Privacy Protection.

    Distribution of Total Clicks



    ​Total Clicks​

    Displays the total number of clicks on any link in the message.

    ​Clicked on Desktop​

    Displays the number and percentage of times any link is clicked on a desktop device.

    The click rate for desktop devices is calculated as follows:

    Clicked on desktop = Clicked links on desktop / Total clicks

    ​Clicked on Tablet​

    Displays the number and percentage of times any link is clicked on a tablet device.

    The click rate for tablet devices is calculated as follows:

    Clicked on tablet = Clicked links on tablet / Total clicks

    ​Clicked on Mobile Device​

    Displays the number and percentage of times any link is clicked on a mobile device.

    The click rate for mobile devices is calculated as follows:

    Clicked on tablet = Clicked links on a mobile device / Total clicks

    ​Clicked on Unknown Platform​

    Displays the number and percentage of times any link is clicked on an unknown platform.

    The click rate for unknown devices is calculated as follows:

    Clicked on unknown platform = Clicked links on an unknown platform / Total clicks

    Due to changes in email clients' data privacy policies, more and more devices cannot be adequately identified. For more information, see Mapp Engage: Change in Device Analysis Categorization due to Apple Mail Privacy Protection.

    Related Topics​

    ​How Mapp Engage Measures Email Marketing Success​
    ​Adapt Emails to Mobile Devices and Clients​
    ​KPIs - Group Messages​

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