Dispatch Schedules: Create & Edit
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    Dispatch Schedules: Create & Edit

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    Article summary


    On this page, you can create a new scheduled dispatch, or update an existing one.

    The following fields are available to create a new dispatch:




    A name for the dispatch


    This text is shown at the beginning of the dispatch schedule. Here you could, for example, introduce important metrics and formulas that are used in the report and why it is being sent on this schedule.

    Export type

    Select either 'Send via email' or 'Upload to Remote Server' (Only SFTP at this time)

    Recipient emails

    (only when sending via email)

    The email addresses where this dispatch should be sent

    Connection Profile

    (only when uploading to remote server)

    Select the needed Connection profile

    Destination Path

    (only when uploading to remote server)

    The folder location where the dispatch should be sent 

    Email subject

    (only when sending via email)

    Allows you to define the subject of the e-mail.

    Email message

    (only when sending via email)

    Allows you to add a message to the export e-mail.

    Export format

    Choose from CSV, Excel or PDF. Diagrams, Visualizations and Dynamic Boxes are only included in PDF files.

    As zip file

    (only when using the format "CSV" or "Excel")

    If activated, the CSV or Excel file is compressed and sent as a ZIP file.

    Rows to Export

    Allows to export more or less rows than defined in the report elements.

    Export Language

    Affects the names of predefined metrics, formulas, dimensions and report filters.


    How often should the dispatch be sent? You may select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly

    Dispatch on 

    Allows you to choose the day and time of the dispatch. Please note that an e-mail usually arrives several minutes after the chosen time period. This depends on how long it takes to calculate the report, as well as on external factors (i.e., e-mail processing). You may choose to send the reports only on weekdays.


    How to set up Multiple Dispatch Schedules

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